To Become Peacemakers
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May 15, 2011 |
"Blessed are the peacemakers, for they shall be called sons of God." (Mathew 5:9)
Jesus had peace with everybody. He did not have peace only with those who were educated, meek and obedient. He had peace with those who were less educated and even with sinners and tax-collectors. Also, He died on the cross to bring peace between God and human beings for all people who were living in sins.
God is pleased with those who have peace with everybody and answers their prayers quickly. What should we do to become peacemakers who have peace with all the people?
First, we must cultivate goodness in us.
Quite often, people who break peace do not even realize that they are evil. Even those who are strong in character and have conflict with others often think they are just trying to accomplish something good and bear better quality fruit. On the surface they seek goodness, but in reality they seek their own benefit and insist on what seems to be right and more beneficial for them personally. They seek what is more advantageous, more comfortable and what reveals them more greatly. That is why peace is broken.
Matthew 12:35 reads, "The good man brings out of his good treasure what is good; and the evil man brings out of his evil treasure what is evil." Even though we learned the truth and know it, evil comes out as long as goodness is not cultivated in our heart. For example, we know that unless the other person is acting in untruth we have to go with his opinion. But in reality, we might hurt others' feelings by just insisting on what seems proper to us. On the other hand, those who have goodness of heart cannot act out of evil. They seek the way that gives comfort and benefit to others. They seek what is more beneficial for the kingdom of God. Unless the other person is doing something unrighteous, they concede to the opinions of others.
Only when we cultivate goodness in our hearts in God's eyes can we have peace with everyone. If we insist on what seems to be good in our sight and make others follow it, both parties may suffer. We always have to seek what is advantageous to others and what is beneficial for the kingdom of God.
Second, we should be confident before God.
Some people may act as if they are good in front of others, but if they have evil in their hearts they will not be able to be confident before God. Some do not commit evident fleshly works, but they store up walls of sin before Him with words. Some of those who teach the Truth to believers also pass judgment and condemnation on others with their words. They speak out words of complaint, resentment, judgment and condemnation. Even though they do not realize how evil their words are, it still gives Satan the opportunity to bring accusations against them.
Therefore, to be confident before God, we have to apply the standards of the truth to ourselves and cultivate the truth in our hearts. For example, when God tells us 'to live in peace with everyone', we have to realize the heart and the will of God and then to cultivate peace in our hearts. Only then can we be confident before God, and we can also have true peace with others in all things.
But some break peace with God with the word of God telling us to have peace. For example, they speak out words of complaints and resentment such as, "God told us about peace, so why does that person always insist on his own opinions and give a hard time to others? Why don't they work more wisely?" They do not understand the heart of God, but just interpret it in their own way. They want what seems to be good in their sight to be fulfilled. This kind of person has no peace in his heart.
You can be confident before God only when you understand the will of God in everything and follow the desires of the Holy Spirit.
Third, we should have hope in Heaven.
To have our hope in Heaven means, we do not put our hope in the fleshly things of this earth. If you say, "I have hope in Heaven, but I want to enjoy this and that on this earth as well," then, it does not make sense.
If we understand the value of the things above and invest in them, we will also understand how meaningless worldly things are. This does not mean we must do only church work neglecting our worldly duties. You should be faithful in the world, so we can give glory to God by receiving His blessings.
If we have hope in Heaven, we will not have any greed for any worldly things or covet any of them. If we covet something, we will eventually do something against the will of God. For example, those who engage in business might do something untruthful acting against the Word of God. And yet, they say, "If I earn a lot of money then I will give a lot in tithes and offerings." On the outside he says it is for the kingdom of God, but in fact it is only for his gratification.
If we work a lot to be recognized by others, and if we want to be recognized as faithful workers in the church, this is also worldly desire and hope. A servant cannot serve two masters. If we have hope in Heaven, we have to store up things precious to us in Heaven. Those who invest their earthly life in valuable things of Heaven do not put any value in things of flesh that will perish. They do not break peace to seek their own benefit either.
Dear brothers and sisters, Matthew 5:9 reads, "Blessed are the peacemakers, for they shall be called sons of God." If the owner of all things in the heavens and on the earth, the almighty God, recognizes you as His dear son, what could ever be lacking in your life?
I pray in the name of the Lord that, by becoming peacemakers, as true sons and daughters of God the Creator, you will give glory to God on this earth, and also enter into the most precious place in the heavenly kingdom.