The Eyes of the Blind Will Open
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June 26, 2011 |
"Since the beginning of time it has never been heard that anyone opened the eyes of a person born blind. If this man were not from God, He could do nothing." (John 9:32-33)
Works of opening the eyes of a person born blind are only recorded in the Four Gospels which describes Jesus' ministry. The great manifestation of power, signs, and wonders were the evidences that the Jesus the Jews crucified on the cross was indeed the Messiah whose coming had been foretold in the Old Testament. Power is a voucher that testifies to God's presence with the one who manifests power and the surest way to plant a seed of faith in the hearts of unbelievers.
1. Jesus opened the eyes of a person born blind
John chapter 9 records an amazing work which took place through Jesus. He was with His disciples on the Sabbath when Jesus came across a man born blind. The disciples asked who caused him to be born blind. He answered, "It was neither that this man sinned, nor his parents; but it was so that the works of God might be displayed in him." Then, He spat on the ground, made clay of the spittle, applied, and said to him, "Go wash in the pool of Siloam".
What do you think happened at that moment? The man who had been born blind and led a life as a beggar came to see the light of the world as his eyes were opened. It took place as soon as he obeyed Jesus' words.
There were many other people whom Jesus healed in the Bible. His case was a little different from other healing cases. The blind man did not beg Jesus to heal him; instead, Jesus came to him and completely healed him. Why, then, did the man receive such amazing grace?
2. The reasons why the blind man received amazing grace from Jesus
First, he was a man of obedience
Jesus came to him, spat on the ground, made some mud with his saliva, put it on the man's eyes, and commanded him, "Go wash in the pool of Siloam." In fact, if an ordinary person is told that a blind man came to see by applying clay of the spittle and washing with water, the person might think it does not make sense at all.
Moreover, if people hear this command without knowing who Jesus is, most other people would not believe it. They might be even become upset feeling like they are mocked.
Yet, that was not the case with this man. He washed in the pool of Siloam obeying the Word of Jesus. As a result, he came to see with the eyes which had been shut from the moment he was born.
If you think the Word of God is not compatible with man's common sense and experience, just try to obey the Word with a humble heart like that of this man born blind. Then, you will definitely experience wonderful works by God's grace just as the man's eyes were opened.
Secondly, his spiritual eyes, with which he could distinguish the truth from untruth, were opened.
The Jewish leaders at that time were so ignorant in a spiritual sense that they could not recognize Jesus due to their strong frameworks from the traditions of the elders and the law. However, the person born blind thought that Jesus was a man of God because He healed him of his blindness.
We can know, by reading how he answered the Pharisees after he was healed, that he could discern between what was right and what was wrong correctly out of his goodness.
When the Pharisees asked how he was able to gain his eyesight, he boldly answered, "He applied clay of the spittle to me. Then, I washed it and came to see." Nevertheless, they did not believe what he said and kept asking to find faults saying, "What do you say about Him, since He opened your eyes?" And the man responded, "He is a prophet."
Until the end the Pharisees did not believe what they had heard. They even called in the man who had been blind and said to him, "Give glory to God; we know that this man is a sinner."
When we hear that a person born blind came to see, it is very natural to rejoice and celebrate together with him. However, the Pharisees could not recognize Jesus who came to the earth as our Savior, but they just passed condemnation on Jesus to seize and kill Him even though they saw God's good works manifested through Him. It means that they stood against God. But the blind man knew that the healing of blind eyes was possible only by God in his good conscience.
Thirdly, he made a resolution to lead a new life after receiving God's grace
There are people who recovered good health and received solutions to problems by the grace and power of Jesus Christ, but forsook the grace of God and returned to the ways of the world. When they were sick and had difficulties, they confessed, "I will live only for the Lord, once I am healed." But after receiving healing and blessings, these people forsake the grace of God in the pursuit of their own benefits.
However, the blind man had a good heart that would not forsake the grace received, so he met Jesus and came to see. Above all, he received the greatest blessing, that is, the blessing of salvation. Jesus asked "Do you believe in the Son of Man?" and taught him saying, "You have both seen Him, and He is the one who is talking with you." And the man confessed, "Lord, I believe." He did not simply "believe", he was receiving Jesus as the Christ. It was his confession of faith in which he resolved to follow the Lord and live for the Lord.
God wants all of us to come before Him with such a heart. He wants us to seek Him, not just because He heals us and gives us blessings, but because He wants us to accept Jesus as our Savior. He longs for us to understand the love of God who unsparingly gave His one and only Son.