God who is Always with Us
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October 16, 2011 |
"Enoch walked with God; and he was not, for God took him" (Genesis 5:24).
There can be no greater blessing than to have God walk with us. To have God walk with you means that God is always with you in the life that is being lived. It is the life that you can live when God leads you in everything according to His plans by His will and in His providence.
So, anyone who relies on the Holy Spirit can live a life with God. To have God, who is light, always walk with you, there should be no darkness at all in you. Your life must be lived completely in the light.
Enoch walked with God for 300 years. And then he didn't see death, but he was taken up alive into Heaven. 'The wage of sin is death,' but he didn't experience physical death, which means he had nothing to do with committing sin at all.
Joseph is another example of a person with whom God was always with. Joseph's life was in accordance with the plan of God. In His great providence God used him as His precious tool for His kingdom. The refinements or trials that he underwent didn't come upon him because he had faults or sin. It was the process that God allowed for Joseph to become His precious tool.
For the past 29 years this church has experienced many evidences that God has been walking with us. While we are celebrating the 29th church anniversary, I will list many of these evidences that God the Father has been and continues to be with Manmin.
First of all, God has been together with us in His power.
Psalm 62:11 says, "Once God has spoken; twice I have heard this: That power belongs to God." This is the power that is solely God's inherent territory and no one can imitate it. And this is not even to mention the power of creation!
For the last 29 years, since the founding of this church, the work of God's power has never ceased or failed to be manifested in this church. Moreover, that power is getting greater and greater. The healing work of individuals takes place much more quickly, and something that seemed impossible is actually now taking place.
A few months ago, there was a sister in Chun-Cheon Manmin Church whose teeth were straightened soon after receiving my prayer. It is also amazing that some members who are not good at operating their cell phones saw 'New Jerusalem' suddenly appear as the cell phone's wallpaper.
In addition, the work of God's power that is being manifested goes far beyond what you could have imagined before. Dragonflies appearing through the transfer through spaces, the control of meteorological conditions and weather phenomena, and the aurora light which is the original light of God's form; these are the highest level of power that belongs to God the Creator.
That's why Acts 2:22 says, "Men of Israel, listen to these words: Jesus the Nazarene, a man attested to you by God with miracles and wonders and signs which God performed through Him in your midst, just as you yourselves know." In Romans 15:18-19, Apostle Paul said, "For I will not presume to speak of anything except what Christ has accomplished through me, resulting in the obedience of the Gentiles by word and deed, in the power of signs and wonders, in the power of the Spirit." In other words, there is nothing more definite and absolute as evidence that God is with us than the power of God.
Secondly, God has been with us together with His word.
After I accepted the Lord, I began to cling to God by prayer and fasting and asked Him to explain the words of the Bible. I did it for 7 years without giving up. In the end, in the deep inspiration of the Holy Spirit, God the Father began to explain the spiritual meaning contained in the Word in the Bible one by one. In addition, God explained about the spiritual realm that cannot be explained by any knowledge in the world such as man's wisdom, understanding, thoughts, and theory.
Among them, The Message of the Cross is the most basic for Christian life and a must-read for Christians. This book alone contains clear answers to the most fundamental issues of faith.
The Measure of Faith which is a guide book that helps Christians understand and correctly measure their faith and reach the stature of the fullness of Christ. These are the message that you cannot hear anywhere else. These are essential messages for Christians whose faith is actually 'dead faith' and who think everyone has the same faith.
The messages of the series "Spirit, Soul, & Body" guide people to cast off their 'self' of untruth and to become a man of spirit and whole spirit (1 Thessalonians 5:23). This message presents a way to change into spirit by analyzing every bit of man's fundamentals, which is possible only when it is explained by God who created human beings. The messages about 'Heaven' and 'Hell' are about the afterlife that God Himself explained in great detail. They are the messages that everyone on this earth should listen to, and not just Christians.
God has provided you with enough spiritual food so that you can recover the lost image of God and become His true children. Through lectures on the Beatitudes, the Nine Fruits of the Holy Spirit, the Love Chapter of 1 Corinthians, the levels of goodness and others, God has provided you with messages essential to come into the spirit and whole spirit.
The messages that were delivered from the altar have been guaranteed by God Himself. In particular, since the beginning of this church I have prophesied countless times and what was prophesied has never been wrong. It is because it is from God who knows everything.
Thirdly, God has been together with us in the fruit.
Jesus said in Matthew 7:20, "So then, you will know them by their fruits." A good tree cannot produce bad fruit, nor can a bad tree produce good fruit. Therefore, the church that God is with will bear good and proper fruits.
Many souls have reached salvation, and many have met and experienced God. The kingdom of God is enlarged, and the works that give glory to God take place. The works of goodness that restores life to the souls are taking place as well.
Most of our members are always protected from accidents and disasters. Even when they are sick, they find the cause, repent of it, and receive prayer; then they are always healed right away and become normal. If they walk the path of righteousness in the truth, plant by faith before God, and receive prayer, their businesses receive blessings and they become prosperous in their lives.
These fruits are important, but it is the fruit of their spirit and soul becoming prosperous that is the priority. It is because only then can the blessing of health and all other blessings follow. Nowadays, many Manmin members go beyond the level of the 'rock of faith', and they are entering the level of the spirit. They are confident that they can make it, and riding on the rapid flow of the spirit, they are entering the spirit and whole spirit.
Along with these fruits, Manmin is bearing amazing fruits as a church. The broadcast media ministry of Manmin TV and GCN are covering about 170 countries around the world. About 60 of my books have been translated or are being translated into approximately 70 languages, and they have already published in more than 28 languages.
The World Christian Doctors Network (WCDN) is playing a great role in our World Mission by providing documentation of the medical evidence of the work of God's power. Through Manmin International Seminary, countless servants of God in foreign countries learn the gospel of holiness, and preach the gospel to souls in their respective countries.
Through dozens of overseas crusades and pastors' seminars, I have set many records and had events that are sufficient to be recorded in the history of Christianity. Moreover, through the historic Israel Ministry, the gospel returned to Israel, 'the remotest part of the earth', after 2,000 years.
All these works were not done by man's power. They were not possible by wealth or authority; they were not accomplished according to man's plan, either. Only God the Father has led our every step, and guaranteed with fruits that He is with us. We all give thanks and glory to God the Father who has been always with us for the last 29 years.