Great and Amazing Power
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February 26, 2012 |
"Truly, truly, I say to you, he who believes in Me, the works that I do, he will do also; and greater works than these he will do; because I go to the Father." (John 14:12)
At this end time when knowledge increases and sin and evil are rampant, people need the power of God in order to save countless souls and extend the kingdom of God. God has manifested the power beyond our imagination in Manmin church and He has even given the power that changes the hearts. When we achieve the mission for evangelization of the Korean Christian Churches and the world, we will have testified to the authenticity of the Bible and lead many people to the way of salvation by changing the hearts and planting faith in them through the best and most High Power through which there is nothing that is impossible.
1. The Power of Jesus, who Resurrected to Fulfill His Duty as the Savior
In Matthew 12:38, some of the scribes and Pharisees said to Jesus, "Teacher, we want to see a sign from You." But Jesus answered and said to them, "An evil and adulterous generation craves for a sign; and yet no sign will be given to it but the sign of Jonah the prophet; for just as Jonah was three days and three nights in the belly of the sea monster, so will the Son of Man be three days and three nights in the heart of the earth." Here, the sign refers to 'the death suffered by Jesus and His resurrection on the third day'. Why did Jesus say no sign would be given but the sign of Jonah the prophet?
This is because to perform 'the sign' was Jesus' original and inherent duty. The purpose of Jesus' coming to earth was to redeem sinners from all their sins through His crucifixion on the wooden cross and shedding blood on sinners' behalf. And, it was also to become the Savior by shattering the authority of death through His resurrection. This is 'the sign' Jesus eventually would show us.
Of course, Jesus endeavored to spread the gospel of Heaven. He also healed a great number of the sick by the power of the Holy Spirit. Those with infirmities like the blind, the deaf, the mute, and the lame were made whole by Him. He even cast out demons from the demon-possessed. He walked on the waters and made the wind and waves of the sea to become calm. He manifested countless amazing works of power.
But such powerful works were just incidental ones that support His primary duty. The works served as proofs to allow for people to believe that Jesus is the Son of God. But what's the most important fact is that Jesus, the Son of God, died for sinners, resurrected, and became the Savior. He died and resurrected to become the Savior not only of the people living at His time, but also of all people since the Creation. This is the most significant and the greatest sign performed by Jesus.
2. The Power that Changes Even the Hearts of Men to Accomplish the Providence of the End Time
As written in tonight's scripture, John 14:12, Jesus said, "Truly, truly, I say to you, he who believes in Me, the works that I do, he will do also; and greater works than these he will do; because I go to the Father." I put complete trust in this passage without any doubt and prayed with faith. In response to the prayer, God has allowed me to manifest countless signs and wonders as you've witnessed until now. He healed innumerable sick people through my prayer. He even performed extraordinary things showing us rainbows, movement of stars, clouds, and dragonflies.
Then, what is Father God's ultimate intention to manifest such a great number of signs and wonders? It's to let you believe that God is alive and Jesus is our Savior, receive salvation, live by the will of God, and reach a better dwelling place in Heaven. Today, sin and evil are rampant. Lofty ideologies that are against God are prevalent. There are those who do not believe but doubt even with visible signs before them. Although they once received healing by the power of God there have been many people who have forsaken their faith over time and have taken after the worldly things again.
People seem to believe in God at the very moment when they see the amazing works of power. If they don't pull out evil from their hearts, however, doubt arises in them again. Lured by greed, they commit sins. They turned aside from the way of salvation and took the way of destruction. Therefore, "the changing heart" is very important isn't it! This is the final goal Father God wants to achieve in this last chapter of human cultivation. In other words, God wants to change the hearts of men by the power of the Holy Spirit. This 'power that changes the hearts of men' is indeed the 'Great and Amazing Power.'
The great and amazing power makes us change our hearts into spirit quickly in the justice of God. Through the original light, we come to find evil deep in our hearts. We can get rid of flesh and come out as men of spirit more easily. Those who misunderstood themselves due to their self-righteousness and self-framework can discover themselves and transform. We can even get rid of the multiple entanglements of fleshly thoughts. In the past, it used to take a month, two months, three months, a half year, or a year to attain certain level of spirit. But we can reach the level much more quickly now.
I had to pay a proper price for such grace given to our members. I was running out of strength from the time of conducting Special Divine Healing Meeting last June and the Leadership Conference in July and by the end of 2011, my 'strength meter' hit zero. My spirit would have departed from my body if Father hadn't held me. The great grace that the church members received and the strength they received for such notable spiritual change was paid for through my sacrifices and devotion. In the past, many had led passive Christian lives feeling coerced and not according to their will. But from the last year, they began to manage spontaneous Christian lives with longing hearts for the higher levels of spirit. As a consequence, many members have come to stand on the rock of faith and many have come into spirit. A few members have even entered into whole spirit.
3. The Power to Achieve the Providence of God for Korean Churches and the World Mission
Father God has wanted the great and amazing power to work on many people both in the Korean Churches and in the world. But I was told that the corruption in Korean churches is far more wide spread than it appears to be. There are some who have spoken against, opposed, and disgraced the Holy Spirit. If Father God strictly applied His justice to them, there would be so many people who would never be forgiven. But Father God didn't just say "they are impossible!" and He came up with alternative ways for them.
God has had me prepare the way to embrace them in the space of love beyond justice and clearly present to them that the way to salvation for them is through repentance. Father God wants to open the way to life and wants to show His heart even to those men who are so very evil.
Thus, 'the power that changes the heart' is an absolute necessity to accomplish the providence in the Father God's love towards the Korean Christian community and the world. In the future the church system will grow bigger embracing many people in Christian churches and achieving the global parish. It's not easy to deal with them with human methods. But workers in charge should try their best to establish the best management system making use of the best wisdom.
As long as they are united as one, all things will automatically go properly. When it comes to pastors in foreign countries or in the remote area, there will be nothing to worry about as long as they have one heart with Manmin Central Church. We Manmin will also make use of this tactic of 'winning over the heart of men' to achieve the global parish. It will cause people of the world to sincerely recognize God and realize His love. To accomplish this, the foremost weapon needed is the 'power that changes hearts'. This will give an opportunity for salvation to people who are destined to die and it will allow for them to have hope for a better dwelling place in Heaven.
Now at this end time, the forces of the Anti-Christ are becoming more influential. They've acquired their influence by instigating men of flesh using the authority over the darkness that was given to them by God. We have to confront the Anti-Christ forces and achieve the providence of God at this end time. It's time to shine the spiritual light together with church workers and pastors who are united in spirit.
I pray in the name of the Lord that Father God will be pleased with your participation in the ministry with one heart so that the great and amazing power of the Holy Spirit will unfold to the whole world and the sound of joy will echo in Heaven.