Providence for the End Time
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January 13, 2013 |
"[God] desires all men to be saved and to come to the knowledge of the truth" (1 Timothy 2:4).

Senior Pastor Dr. Jaerock Lee
God is love, so He desires all men, whose population now goes beyond seven billion, to hear the gospel of holiness, reach salvation, and come to know the truth. This providence for the end time refers to the plan of God who wants to lead as many people as possible to salvation. So, in 2013 what do we have to do to make up our hearts again to accomplish the providence for the end time fully and completely?
1. The love of God contained in the name of 'Manmin'
God the Father wants to reveal His heart to save 'Manmin' meaning 'all nations' or 'all the people' through this church. That's why He named this church 'Manmin Church'. Since I entered the seminary college at the age of 37, I prepared to open a church even from the time I was a freshman. I especially prayed to God for my church to be named by God Himself. Three years later, not long before I started this church, God gave me the answer. God said, "Name the church 'Manmin Church.'" To fulfill His providence during the end time, He set up this church and named it 'Manmin Church.' At the beginning of the church, we named the church 'Manmin Church' but since we expected to have many branch churches, we renamed it 'Manmin Central Church.' And now, this church has over 10,000 branch and associate churches. The great providence to save not only Manmin members, but all peoples of the world, was already in the Father's heart. It is now the time to earnestly unfold the providence for the end time which has been kept in His heart. In a sense, up until now God has been making pre-preparations so far. To earnestly unfold the providence to save all peoples is to begin extensive spiritual warfare. A competent general makes thorough preparations before a battle. You must prepare good weapons first. In addition, your soldiers should be well-trained. They should be able to handle the weapons skillfully, and they should be able to understand the strategy as well. Moreover, they should be ready to obey at the command of their officers. That is, military discipline should be well-established. On top of this, soldiers should be confident to surely win a victory. These same things apply to spiritual warfare. To the extent you have a great desire to save souls, you should prepare yourself thoroughly (Ephesians 6:12-13).
2. God's preparation for the providence of the end time
Firstly, God equipped us with the highest level of tools for saving souls.
To save souls, what is the most necessary tool? It is 'the word of life' as written in Ephesians 6:17. The offensive weapon that penetrates the wicked scheme of the enemy devil and Satan is the 'Word of God.' As a spiritual warrior going out onto the spiritual battlefield, you must arm yourself with the Word of God in spirit. That is, you not only must understand the Word, but you must also live by the Word. Only then can you be spiritually confident and go to fight without fear. Even in a fleshly sense, it is said that a master swordsman must be one with his sword. A spiritual warrior should be also one with the sword of the Word. By the way, 'the Word of God' is 'the bread of life' which we feed to the souls that we should save. Then, Amos 8:11 says, there will be "...a famine on the land, not a famine for bread or a thirst for water, but rather for hearing the words of the LORD" in the end time. I gave countless fasting and prayers to God, and God the Father gave to this church the 'Fivefold Gospel of Holiness.' He has abundantly given this church the words to restore dying souls and the words to bless your soul to prosper. In addition, He also gave the 'Power' to prove that the Fivefold Gospel of Holiness is truly the Word of God. As God gave me the power that belongs to God, I've been able to manifest countless signs and wonders. Additionally, this church has fervent prayers and gracious praises that enable the saved souls to maintain their fullness of the Holy Spirit and to increase their faith. Moreover, this church already found an initial way to go out for world mission through 12 Overseas Crusades and the 3-year-long Ministry in Israel. We found the possibility for the worldwide parish through the broadcasting and publishing ministries. God the Father allowed this church to be equipped in these ways with the best instruments to save souls. Comparing this with preparations for war, it is just as you are being armed with various state of the art weapons.
Secondly, God the Father helped the members grow up spiritually.
God the Father helped us grow up spiritually to completely accomplish the providence of the end time. Since God the Father knew how important it is, He has allowed this church to ride on the rapid flow of spirit since 2010. Those who faithfully kept their faith were able to ride on the rapid flow of spirit well to make quick spiritual growth. There were also those who committed so many sins and acted in unrighteousness. By that time, I felt deeply responsible for them as the shepherd, and gave intercessory prayers by staking my life as security for the members who wanted to repent. Then, God the Father had great mercy of forgiveness toward them. He also gave them the longing heart for spirit. So in 2011, the members voluntarily armed themselves with the Word, and they came to have a heart that enjoys prayer. The flow of spirit in 2012 was somewhat different from that of the year 2011. Their faith grew up sharply in 2011, but it grew up slowly in 2012. It was because God the Father led the flow of spirit so that they could strengthen their faith in 2012. It seemed that the God the Father's Word of promise was slow to be fulfilled. In such a situation, God the Father watched them to see whether they believed the shepherd's word, or doubted it. Just as Abraham never doubted the word of promise in any given situation, God the Father wanted our members to have such faith as this. At the same time, God wanted them to become one with the shepherd in love. Those who truly love God and truly love the shepherd will naturally want to share the burden of the shepherd together with him. Father God said that there has been no other year than year 2012 for the last 30 years when their hearts were gathered so. In 2012, there was a great number who gathered their hearts and minds to become strength to their shepherd. Year 2012 was a year of such blessing in ways like this. God the Father measured each individual's trust and love, and according to the measure, He gave them spiritual faith from above. Especially those workers of faith could receive many capabilities in the flow of spirit in 2012. As they gathered their hearts and wisdom, and passed the difficulties, they are now equipped with capabilities to lead the era of the Canaan Sanctuary.
3. Spiritual law applied to increasing the number of saved people
To the extent that men of spirit become more, we can more impeccably accomplish the providence for the end time that represents God's heart who wants all men to be saved. This is because the brighter the light becomes, the weaker the darkness. Therefore, we should have more men of spirit for this church to arise and shine in this world where sin and evil are rampant and it is extremely dark in a spiritual sense. When the time comes, the men of spirit will shine the light fully with the shepherd in their center. As a result, those who live in sin and evil will get more opportunities to receive salvation. To the extent that you become spirit and whole spirit, more souls will have the opportunity to be saved. This is the calculation of the spiritual realm. Therefore, not only for your own glory, but even to meet the justice for the salvation of many souls, you should come into spirit. Even by my sacrifice and devotion as your shepherd, many members could get the chance of salvation and the grace of riding on the flow of spirit. Now it is time for you to take the role. All you have to do is do your job and have the devotion to come into spirit and whole spirit. Then, those dying souls in the dark of sin and evil will be able to discover the light and come out of the darkness. As a result, you can also accomplish the providence of God who wishes to save as many souls as possible in the end time.
Therefore, I wish you will come into spirit and whole spirit with a sense of duty. May you together accomplish the providence of God the Father and stand together in the line of glory, in the name of the Lord, Jesus Christ, I pray!
Dr. Jaerock Lee boldly proclaimed to the whole world that God the Creator is alive and Jesus Christ is our only Savior. Signs, wonders, and powerful works which prove that the Bible is authentic!
Leading the Overseas Crusades in many places of the world, Senior Pastor Dr. Jaerock Lee attested to the authenticity of the Bible and proclaimed that God the Creator is alive and Jesus Christ is our only Savior. By his prayer, the blind came to see, the deaf hear, the mute speak, the lame walk and jump up. And all kinds of diseases were healed including cancer and AIDS. Moreover, his prayer caused typhoons to disappear and rain to pour down on the countries that were suffering from severe drought. Countless amazing signs, wonders, and powerful works unfolded, which glorified God.
2000 Uganda Holy Gospel Crusade reported on CNN / 2000 Nagoya Miracle Convention / 2000 Pakistan United Crusade / 2001 Kenya Holy Gospel Crusade / 2001 Philippine United Crusade / 2002 Honduras Miracle Healing Crusade / 2002 India Miracle Healing Prayer Festival with a total of three million people in attendance / 2003 Russia Miracle Festival / 2004 Germany Miracle Festival / 2004 Peru Healing Crusade / 2006 DR Congo Miracle Healing Festival / 2006 New York Crusade / 2009 Israel United Crusade
