Whole Spirit
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August 25, 2013 |
"Let us draw near with a sincere heart in full assurance of faith, having our hearts sprinkled clean from an evil conscience and our bodies washed with pure water" (Hebrews 10:22).
Senior Pastor Dr. Jaerock Lee
The 2013 Manmin summer retreat was carried out like a practical extension of the 2013 Leadership Conference that had been held under the theme of "Whole Spirit" from July 1 to 3 in 2013. The first proof of whole spirit is becoming one with God the Father. It is about how much we have become united as one with God in hearts and will and how well we have understood His heart and followed what His heart wants. The second one is the goodness of God. It is not goodness that is considered good by men, but it is goodness in God's point of view. The third and last evidence of whole spirit is faithfulness, that is, spiritual faithfulness. It does not refer to working faithfully in one's own will or way but to faithfulness God wants. By reflecting upon ourselves in the three proofs that people of whole spirit show, we can measure several aspects of our faith: whether we have come closer to whole spirit; how much more deeply we have entered into spirit; if we have come closer to spirit; and how closely we have come to the level of standing on the rock of faith. So, let's look into what God wants us to do for achieving the heart of whole spirit.
Firstly, God wants us to remember the grace that has been given through the shepherd
What I had to do was to give another opportunity of life to those who could receive no more opportunities in light of justice. I just did things I had to do as the shepherd, but indeed they were not the things that anybody can do. They could not have been done by anybody else but me. It required the prayer of a righteous man just as that of Abraham's petition caused Lot and his daughters to be saved from the judgment that came upon Sodom as a result of it (James 5:16). But the qualification as a righteous man was not enough according to justice, so it needed love going beyond justice. In other words, I had to do it with offering my life as security. It was not done at once but I had to overcome pains like death almost every day for the last several years. My heart was scarred with innumerable deep wounds seeing souls going the way of death. Such wounds and pains were revealed in my body physically, so I had to suffer from extreme cramping. I lost all strength and energy and was inflicted by stomach disorders and other pains. But I still paid the price of justice again and again. So, how could I feel easy and have a rest for a day, for an hour, and even for a minute? I had to harbor so many souls all the time because they were like children who play around deep water. I needed to care for and encourage them. This is because I cannot feel relieved before they stand on the rock of faith and enter spirit. In the meantime, I had to receive spiritual training to issue forth the original voice completely. It is for countless souls who will come to me, for achieving God's providence impeccably, and above all for changing and leading every one of my flock to New Jerusalem the best dwelling place in Heaven (Revelation chapter 21 and 22). For me, all of you are the flock as precious as my life and I have to lead you to New Jerusalem. I paid the price of justice not just for those who were going to death. But also I always harbor all of you even though you are newcomers or beginners in faith, even if I do not personally touch or have contact with you. I have stayed alone in the mountain prayer house, had spiritual training, and paid the price of justice, which is for all of you. Through this, the grace and benefits are given to you. But all of this turns into more complete blessing for those who realize that through the shepherd's sacrifice and love they could receive all the grace and benefits and who feel thankful for this from the bottom of their hearts.
Secondly, God wants us to understand His providence of making the power of the shepherd widely known
The power of God manifested through Moses during Exodus was tremendously awesome. The news was spread far and wide so even the Gentile peoples trembled out of fear. The Israelites kept achieving victory after victory because God was with them while they were conquering the land of Canaan with Joshua, the successor to Moses. Aside from the examples of Moses and Joshua, we can see God's works accompany men of God as the evidence that God is with them. The typical type of God's work is manifestation of the power of God (Psalm 62:11). Even kings and persons in power lowered their heads before God's chosen people in the manifestations of God's power. The Gentile people trembled with fear and they did not dare attack them. God wants to show such works even today. He wants us to make His existence and almightiness be widely known. He wants to let people know that the Bible is authentic, the Judgment will be surely held, and Heaven and Hell surely do exist. Thus, God has prepared a vessel that can spread the power of God to the whole earth at this end time. That is, God planned to achieve His providence through Manmin. Manmin summer retreat especially has been always full of God's power and God-given happiness and emotion. Moving stars, appearing and disappearing of clouds, circular rainbows, extraordinary rainbows, and dragonflies! Those are all God's astoundingly powerful works that anybody who participates in Manmin summer retreat has experienced without exception. This news has been spread to the whole earth and now Manmin summer retreat becomes an international event. It is just the start. After the financial blessing has come, we will publicize Manmin as much as we want. Then, our Manmin summer retreat will be a global festivity in which the whole world will pay intense interest. Through this, countless non-Christians will recognize the living God and return to the Lord's arms. Manmin summer retreat has no equal in any grand sports event or other international event. It is the festival of power that is held before the LORD our God.
Thirdly, God wants to receive the fragrance of you who have come forth as the fruit of the shepherd's tears
Even before this summer retreat, God allowed some tests for you so that you could check your hearts. I urge you to take the time to look back on your lives for the past several years. Now compare it with your current lives. You are now dwelling in the Light after being set free from sin and evil and escaping from darkness. You have been given hope for New Jerusalem in Heaven. You now can feel the grace and love of the shepherd deeply and you are now moving forward unceasingly to achieve true heart and perfect faith. God desires His children to achieve pure hearts and praise, worship, and glorify Him with good, beautiful, and heartfelt fragrance. Only then does God rejoice truly and give them His glory and reveal His glory in them. Thicker and more beautiful fragrance of the heart will be offered up to God to the extent that we accomplish the heart of spirit. Faithfulness which you give united with God and with the heart full of goodness will go up as the thick fragrance that touches God's heart. After all the process of human cultivation, He will allow His children who give out such fragrance to dwell in New Jerusalem and stay there forever and ever. Dear brothers and sisters in Christ, God has given us grace, happiness, opportunities, and blessings that we cannot find anywhere. However, it is you who make these things yours even though God pours such evidences of God's love upon you. I pray in the name of the Lord that you will receive the God-given grace and strength and play a key role in Manmin going forth out to the world.