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“Glory to God in the highest, and on earth peace among men with whom He is pleased.” (Luke 2:14) ...


Manmin News   No. 369
January 12, 2014

"...handkerchiefs or aprons were even carried from his [Apostle Paul's] body to the sick,
and the diseases left them and the evil spirits went out" (Acts 19:12).

Senior Pastor Dr. Jaerock Lee

When Apostle Paul performed his ministry in the New Testament time, handkerchiefs or aprons were even carried from his body to the sick, and the diseases left them and the evil spirits went out. Such amazing powerful works have occurred in Manmin Central Church today. Through the handkerchiefs on which I have prayed, various kinds of terminal and incurable diseases have been healed and demons have gone out. And those who followed other religions have converted to Christianity.
In 2014, the power of the shepherd will be greater and the work of the handkerchief will be unfolded amazingly. Through the power of handkerchiefs the ministry will be more active in every corner of the world including the approximately 10,000 branch and associate churches and we will push ahead with the global parish. At this end time, I hope you will become joy to God the Father by performing the ministry of Manmin that is advancing in saving countless souls all over the world.

1. The ministry that God wants and is pleased with

In a spiritual sense, the term 'ministry' is accomplishing the works of the kingdom of God within God's will, His providence and according to His ways and plans. The important thing is that one must do it with the heart of volition.
If you look back on the ministry of Manmin for the last 32 years, you can understand what the true spiritual ministry is. From the beginning, this church has obeyed only God's will and providence with a God-given dream and vision. This church has never used man's ways; it has depended only on God.
And, it hasn't done it involving force or coercion. Even when things were lonely and dreary in reality, the church only rejoiced by faith and gave thanks. Moreover, I've accomplished the works one by one only seeking after the heart of the Father. As I did so, God the Father made Manmin a church outstanding in the whole world.
However, it was not the end of the will and providence of God the Father. He had an even greater plan that we could never possibly have imagined. To accomplish that plan God needed countless spiritual warriors who could participate in a grand ministry. To participate in the ministry that God the Father desires, a person must understand God's will and providence, they must seek after God's heart, and they must volunteer and obey in accordance with only the ways of God.
The fact is that, without being at a level of faith in spirit, one cannot perfectly accomplish the amazing will and providence that God has for this end time. Hence, 32 years ago the omniscient God who foreknows everything met me first and made me start this Manmin Church. Over those years God has led countless people to this church and refined them.

2. The providence of the world parish being accomplished with the Word and the power

Now, what is the providence that God the Father desires to accomplish through this church and you in this end time? There are countless souls on this earth and this providence of accomplishing the world mission is to save just one more soul and help each of them to stand in the line of salvation.
For this, you need powerful weapons and they are the 'Word,' and the 'Power' in a spiritual sense. When it is difficult to find light in the world as sin and evil are rampant, you need the word of holiness that will shine in the world, and you also need the amazing power that will confirm the word. It is just as Mark 16:20 says, "…and they went out and preached everywhere, while the Lord worked with them, and confirmed the word by the signs that followed."
Today, people don't want to believe in God, and even try to deny God. Salvation of those souls cannot be done with just words. You need the Word whose spiritual authority can penetrate their spirit and soul, their joints and marrow. You also need the Word that can explain the limitless spiritual realm as if they could reach out and touch it.
In addition, you need to show the evidences that can prove the Word and demonstrate that God is alive and at work still today. The evidence is the 'Power.' It is not just a form of ordinary power. It must be the power which no one can deny and a power before which they cannot but kneel down before its work. You need to have this earth-shattering power.

3. The ministry manifested by spiritual warriors with the handkerchief of power

1 Corinthians 4:20 says, "For the kingdom of God does not consist in words but in power." The power in this verse refers to the spiritual power. It is the power that God gives from above. However, you can't receive this power as you would acquire fleshly authority, knowledge, or understanding. You cannot purchase it with any amount of money. This power can be received from God the Father to the same extent that you resemble God the Father. It is the sanctification you have achieved and whether you've come into spirit and whole spirit.
That's why God the Father chose this church and its members who could receive this power to accomplish His kingdom, and He has prepared its members for the last 32 years. In particular, during the last 3 years He compelled the church to be prepared, and took the lead in the rapid flow of spirit.
Since He needed sanctified children, and since He needed spiritual warriors who came into spirit and whole spirit, He strongly urged Manmin members to rigorously pull out the original roots, their sinful attributes even in a pain-staking way from time to time. Even in doing so, He knew that they would surely overcome the processes and procedures with faith and love, and eventually come into the rock of faith, spirit, and whole spirit. As a result, I can see the amazing fruit of spirit who are being borne that I could never imagine possible a few years ago.
God wants the power that He gave to me to be manifested in the whole world by the spiritual warriors who became sanctified and came into spirit and whole spirit. As these warriors are armed with the gospel of holiness and go out with the handkerchief of power, what nation or people could do anything less than kneel down before the works manifested through them? They revived not only dying people, but also the dying animals or plants. Most bacterial and viral diseases can be healed and cleansed when our workers pray with the handkerchief.
However, most of the members are not using even 20% or even 10% of the actual power that is in the handkerchief. It is because they haven't come into spirit yet. Once a person comes into spirit, the level of utilizing the power in the handkerchief becomes incredibly higher compared to when that person was in flesh.

4. The differences in the works of power that occur depend on how much one trusts in the shepherd

This power is given to me by God the Father. I put the power into the handkerchief as I prayed on it, and our church members withdraw the power from it and use it. The works of power manifested through the handkerchief will be different depending on how much they trust in the shepherd who put the power into the handkerchief.
Those who are above spirit are recognized for their trust in the shepherd by God the Father. On the other hand, as long as one stays in the flesh, even if he says he loves and trusts the shepherd with his lips, it is not fully recognized by God. Satan can still, and will accuse people as long as flesh remains in them. There is a limit to the power a person can utilize that is in the handkerchief as long as flesh remains. As you are bound to the shepherd as one in truth, the power given to the shepherd can bear much fruit through you.
Therefore, God the Father has been strengthening the trust relationship between the church members and their shepherd for 32 years; particularly during the last 3 years. He has worked so that they could believe and trust in the shepherd, pass through the rock of faith, and come into spirit and whole spirit. Since you are prepared now, from Year 2014, you will unfold the 'Ministry' together with me to accomplish the providence that God gave to this church.
Dear brothers and sisters in Christ, I urge not only those who go out with handkerchief but also those at home or work, or in business to participate into this ministry of power. May the glory that shines forth as the sun be with you, in the name of our precious Lord, Jesus Christ, I pray!




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Manmin News, Manmin, Manmin Church, Manmin Central Church, Jaerock Lee, Jaerock, drLee