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Power Belongs to God

Manmin News   No. 443
June 14, 2015

"Once God has spoken; twice I have heard this: that power belongs to God" (Psalm 62:11).

Senior Pastor Dr. Jaerock Lee

The trademark of a product is very important because it shows the firm that produced the product. Products with recognized trademarks that are well-known by many people world-wide are trusted and used by many people.

Like the trademark, 'power' shows that God the Creator works. Now let's delve into what 'power' is and how to discern God's power.

1. Power belongs only to God

Power is like a distinct trademark that belongs to God the Creator, so nobody can copy it. If one manifests power in things only God can do, he is the one who belongs to God. When God shows a powerful work, the fruit is always of goodness, it leads souls to salvation, and glorifies God.

However, a work that is fabricated has limits, the fruit is evil, and it tempts people in the way to death. It is for one's personal benefit or glory.

Therefore, we can discern the power which belongs to God through the fruit. Satan tempts people to stand against God in many ways, but never emulates the manifestation of God's power which controls men's life, death, fortune, and misfortune and creates things from nothing.

2. Proof of the power that belongs to God

Power refers to authority and strength. 'Authority' is the purposed, dignified, and glorious power of God. 'Strength' is power of faith that God can do things that men cannot do and there is nothing impossible for Him.

That is why one who has received this power is able to manifest signs, wonders, extraordinary and marvelous works according to the level of power.

1) Signs

Signs refer to the cases in which God's strength is manifested transcending the limits of man.

The examples of signs are those such as the blind coming to see, the mute speak, the deaf coming to hear, and the lame to walk. It is a shorter leg being lengthened to match the other and after-effects of polio and cerebral palsy becoming normal.

To manifest such signs, one must receive the power and ability to affect such miracles. It is different from the gift of healing. The gift of healing is the healing of bacterial or viral diseases which can be medically cured like aches, the common cold, and lung diseases. But this effecting of miracles refers to healing people who cannot be treated with human ability and medical science, but are cured through a man or woman who performs it with God's power.

This effecting of miracles is sometimes given as a gift, or happens through the power of spiritual love and a righteous man's prayer (1 Corinthians 12). But the perfected case of the effecting of miracles is when we receive the power, ability and authority from God with faith by casting off every form of evil, being sanctified and praying fervently.

2) Wonders

A wonder refers to God the Creator's work controlling natural phenomena. It includes moving clouds, making it rain or it stop raining, or moving celestial bodies.

Moving the sun, the moon, or stars, goes beyond natural law; it can be done only when it meets conditions God sets and only when it is a proper moment. Thus, no matter how great the power one has, a person cannot stop the sun or the moon like Joshua by his own will. Moreover, if he has such great power, he must be a person who understands God's heart and will. So he would never try to manifest such power arbitrarily.

3) Extraordinary miracles and remarkable things

In the Bible, extraordinary miracles appear in Acts 19:11-12. As handkerchiefs or aprons were carried from Apostle Paul's body to the sick, diseases left people and evil spirits went out. Remarkable things are works like the Ten Plagues of Moses and Jesus' healing of a paralyzed man (Luke 5:17-26).

The power of God can be manifested in various ways in addition to extraordinary and remarkable miracles.

3. Proofs showing 'power' belongs to God

Firstly, the control of life and death belongs to God and it is God-given power. Elijah (1 Kings 17:17-24, Elisha (2 Kings 4:32-37), Apostle Peter (Acts 9:40), Apostle Paul (Acts 20:9-12), and Jesus (John 11:43-44) revived the dead. Upon Peter's curse, Ananias and Sapphira died (Acts 5:1-11), a fig tree with no fruit withered at Jesus' word (Matthew 21:19), and at Elisha's curse young lads who made fun of Elisha were mauled by two female bears (2 Kings 2:23-24).

These powerful works related to life and death can be manifested only by God's people through God's power.

Secondly, reviving things that are dead is God-given power and belongs to God. It might be said that it is also controlling life and death. But it is more specific. It specifically refers to reviving dead nerves and cells. These works are the kind of works that belong within the power of God.

Jesus revived dead nerves and cells when He healed a man born blind and restored the ability to speak to the mute.

Thirdly, the power of creation belongs to God. It is God–given power. New bones or organs that are created or shortened limbs that are lengthened, that is, things are created from nothing, are examples of this power.

In 1 Kings 17:8-16, the widow in Zarephath who provided food for Elijah received the blessing that 'the bowl of flour was not exhausted and the jar of oil did not become empty'; when Elisha blessed, all vessels were filled with oil (2 Kings 4:1-7); and Jesus performed the miracle of five loaves of bread and two fish (Matthew 14:15-21). Those are examples of the power of creation.

Jesus healed a centurion's servant only with His word (Matthew 8:5-13). The working through His word belongs to the power of creation. This kind of work can also be shown transcending space and time.

4. Powerful works are the proof that those who do them have power that comes from God

If works of creation controlling life and death and doing things that only God the Creator can do follow him, he is a man of God. People who had good hearts and became sanctified such as Moses, Joshua, Elijah, Apostle Peter, Apostle Paul, Deacon Philip, and Deacon Stephen performed the power of God.

God does not hear sinners (John 9:31), and if we have a wall of sins before God, we cannot receive answers from Him though we pray (Psalm 66:18). Moreover, if a person who received the power has walls of sins, God does not answer his prayer. That is, if one performs God's power, it shows that he comes from God and God acknowledges him.

Jesus performed many kinds of powerful works, but the Pharisees, scribes, priests, and the high priests did not believe that Jesus had come from God (Matthew 12:24). Jesus felt sorry for them about it and said to them, "…though you do not believe Me, believe the works" (John 10:37-38).

If someone manifests God's power, even if you do not trust him, you must believe him as a result of the powerful works. Power belongs to God, and He does not give this power to just anyone.

Therefore, I pray in the name of the Lord that you will believe God's power completely, be qualified to receive the power quickly, and manifest the power that belongs to God.




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