God-pleasing Faith
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July 09, 2017 |
Senior Pastor Dr. Jaerock Lee
"By faith we understand that the worlds were prepared by the word of God, so that what is seen was not made out of things which are visible" (Hebrews 11:3).
If we truly believe in God the Creator and Jesus Christ, we can receive answers in the name of Jesus Christ even for impossible things. But even though we all say we believe, the size of each one's faith is different from person to person. As in 1 John 2:12-14, there is faith of little children, faith of young men, and also mature faith of fathers.
What kinds of faith does God want His loving children to have?
First, God Wants You to Have Unchanging Faith.
God wants us to have unchanging faith. It is spiritual faith that never changes in any kind of situations. If your faith changes according to situations, it is not the spiritual faith God wants of you.
You confess you believe in the almighty God, but when you face troubles, do you not rely on men rather than relying on God? You ardently prayed for a desire of your heart, but when the answer is not given in the way you wanted, have you not complained that God is not giving it to you and haven't you let all your prayers count for nothing?
Some of you may say you believe the Word of God, but you interpret it the way you see fit for your personal gain. Because you change God's words just as Eve changed God's word "You will surely die," into "You will die," your trust with God is broken, and you might face tests and trials.
In the past, even though others didn't recognize you, you did many kinds of hard work in the church. You took delight in giving to God and helping the needy. But you have second thoughts from a certain point in time. "Nobody knows me because I only do the things behind the scenes, but they do the duties that are easily seen, and they are recognized by people much more than me." "I work harder than them, but their faith grows much faster than mine." Now, your faith is shaken thinking, "Does God remember me? Am I no longer loved by God?"
Galatians 6:9 says, "Let us not lose heart in doing good, for in due time we will reap if we do not grow weary." As said, you should unchangingly practice the truth with your trust in the faithful God so that you will reap the fruits of blessings. Only when you unchangingly believe in God's promise written in the Bible, obey His words, and work faithfully with love for God, can you be loved and recognized by God and then you will be able to receive whatever you ask for.
The Second Is the Faith in the Invisible Spiritual Realm.
To the unbelievers, this visible, physical world is everything. They try to take and enjoy even just one more thing in this world. They mostly talk about which food is best, which restaurant is good, what the current trends are and what business they can invest in to make more money.
If they hear there are Heaven and Hell, they say they can't accept it and they will find out when they die. They say they can't believe in the invisible God and that Jesus Christ rose again from the dead.
But John 20:29 latter part says, "Blessed are they who did not see, and yet believed." It is what the Lord said after He was crucified without sins to save mankind and rose again on the third day. He explained about spiritual faith to Thomas who had said he would believe His resurrection only if he himself saw in His hands and feet the imprint of the nails.
Just by looking at the things of the nature, you can believe in the existence of the Creator (Romans 1:20). Moreover, if you witnessed the power of God, you can certainly believe in the almighty God. You can believe all the 66 books of the Bible, and you can believe there are Heaven and Hell as given. For this reason you do not have any desire for this momentary earth but you put your hope in Heaven (Mark 10:29-30).
The patriarchs of faith wanted to follow God's will even if it meant suffering and trials rather than enjoying the momentary pleasure of sin on this earth. If you really believe the invisible spiritual realm and the eternal heavenly kingdom, you will not seek wealth and fame of this earth but try to store up in Heaven. You will invest your time and effort in spiritual things rather than physical. You will take delight in giving for the souls and for God's kingdom by saving your own time and money.
After Apostle Paul dedicated his life for the Lord, what was he left with? In a physical sense, he was a convict sentenced to death who was just waiting for his execution in the cold underground prison, without a scrap of thick clothing to cover him. But in a spiritual sense, he had the honor of being an apostle of the Lord with the great power of God, and with countless souls who were saved through him.
He had the crown of righteousness and the glory of New Jerusalem, and the Lord was waiting to embrace him with His arms wide open. I hope you will also believe the invisible spiritual world, die daily just as Apostle Paul did, and thereby get recognition in Heaven.
The Third Is the Faith in the Power of God Who Changes You and Makes You Perfect.
I have been asking for greater power from the opening of this church until this day, and I have been able to endure this past seven years because of this faith. It is to see the day when you will come forth as true children of God. But is there anybody who says or thinks: "Can I really do it? My heart-field and inner heart are not good, and it's not going to work no matter how much I try. I am way behind those who are going ahead. I am so embarrassed before God that I don't even have strength to pray."
The God you and I believe in has nothing that is impossible for Him. He parted the Red Sea; sent down fire from heaven; and made a dead stick bud, bloom, and even produce a fruit. He can make dry bones come to life and stand on their feet, a great army, and He can even raise up children to Abraham from stones. If you truly believe in this God, you should not have the word 'disheartened' in your vocabulary.
God has given this church the holiness gospel and such great and amazing power! You should encourage yourself thinking, "I am so thankful that God is leading me to New Jerusalem although I lack so much! How thankful it is that the shepherd did 99% and is telling me to do only 1%!" 2 Corinthians 11:30 says, "If I have to boast, I will boast of what pertains to my weakness." As Paul confessed, the weaker you are, the more you should boast of and believe the power of God.
Dear brothers and sisters in Christ, do you believe God who has endured for a long time to save all people and unceasingly poured down love and grace upon us? If you believe, you should possess spiritual faith that God wants of you and change yourself in His power that makes you perfect. I pray in the name of the Lord that by doing so you will dwell in the eternal glory in the beautiful Heaven.