Precious Gift
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May 24, 2009 |
Simon Peter answered Him, "Lord, to whom shall we go? You have words of eternal life." [John 6:68]
Simon Peter realized early that Jesus alone is the way to eternal life. So, he stayed with Jesus throughout His entire public ministry. After Jesus had been arrested, Peter denied Him three times out of fear. But, it was before he had received the Holy Spirit. Once he repented and turned back, he followed the way of the Lord to the point of death, also taking his cross. Where have you set your heart and what are you following? When I tell you about the precious gifts given from God, I hope you will be filled with faith, hope, joy and happiness.
1. The First Precious Gift Is the Grace of Salvation
Romans 3:23-24 says, "…for all have sinned and fall short of the glory of God, being justified as a gift by His grace through the redemption which is in Christ Jesus."
God the Father has given us this amazing grace of salvation with only one truth, that we accepted Jesus Christ. It is all by grace of God that we heard the gospel, came to know God and believe in Him. Even when you refused to accept the gospel several times, God did not give up on you. But when we finally opened our heart and accepted Jesus Christ, God gave us the Holy Spirit and the right to become His children.
He cleansed all our sins at once through the precious blood of the Lord. He also wrote our names in the Book of Life as people who can live in the eternal kingdom of Heaven. But God the Father has paid a huge price. Namely, God paid the price with the blood and life of Son, Jesus. Jesus was scourged and wore the crown of thorns on His head. He was nailed through His hands and feet and His side was pierced by a spear. He was completely innocent, yet He shed His chaste and uncorrupted blood. Also, Jesus was hung on a wooden cross where the cursed ones are supposed to be hung on. Through this, we were set free from the curse of the law that states that the wages of sin is death. We were bound to live our lives in sin and then fall into Hell. Our lives were meaningless. But God made our lives so valuable. God has made us His precious children who can live in the kingdom of Heaven forever. And if you attain the qualifications to enter into New Jerusalem, how much more precious will you be considered by God! If you are thankful for the grace of salvation, I urge you to take hold of New Jerusalem by force. God the Father has allowed us many things in His love so that anybody can advance all the way up to New Jerusalem.
2. The Second Precious Gift Is the Word of Life
All the words in the Bible, which are the heart and will of God, are words of life. This Bible is read by countless people around the world. But as said in 2 Timothy 3:16, all the words in the Bible are written by those who were inspired by God. Therefore, we should not interpret it literally or with worldly knowledge and theory. We have to understand the will of God correctly only through the inspiration of the Holy Spirit. Soon after I met the Lord, I earnestly wanted to live by the will of God by understanding the Bible correctly. But there were many passages that were difficult to understand in the Bible. So I attended many revival meetings. I asked pastors questions and read commentaries, too. But I couldn't get clear answers anywhere. Some commentaries regarded the contents in the Bible as myths or interpreted them in a wrong way, which could take faith away rather than instill it in people.
Then I heard some good news. That is, a certain pastor fasted for 40 days two times, and an angel interpreted the Bible for him for three years. The moment I heard it, my heart was set aflame. I felt like fire was coming down. I was determined that I would do the same. From that time I went up to mountains to pray and fasted countless times whenever I had time.
Meanwhile I was called as a servant of God and attended a seminary college. During my senior year of seminary college I spoke at many revival meetings and opened the church. Many prayers were accumulated for seven years and then the Lord began to explain the difficult Bible passages one by one. So You can hear and read these messages, such as the 'Message of the Cross', 'Measure of Faith', 'Fruits of the Holy Spirit', 'Beatitudes', 'Spiritual Love', and 'Spirit, Soul, and Body' on cassette tapes, on the Internet, GCN TV, or through books.
If you just hear the holiness gospel and not practice it, you cannot feel the value of it very well. Although it is so full of life, it can become life only for those who spiritually absorb the word. To become life means there is a spiritual change. You become more good-hearted, your words become less harsh and more refined, and your actions become more upright and just. The word of God is living and active and it causes these works of change. The rule that says that 'we will be prosperous in all things and be in good health as our soul prospers' and it applies everyone, everywhere and all the time.
Do you have a difficult situation in life? Why don't you hold on to the word of life and pray to practice it as it is? You shouldn't just try to do it for a specific period of time and give up, but you have to hold on to this Word of Life until the end, believing your hope is in the Lord alone. Then, the faithful God the Father will resolve your difficult situations and fill your shortages.
3. The Third Precious Gift Is the Works of Power
Psalm 62:11 says, "Once God has spoken; twice I have heard this: that power belongs to God." As it is written, the Power belongs only to God. The fact that God's power is manifested also testifies that it is the holiness gospel that is preached and it is truly the Word of God. Mark 16:20 also says, "And they went out and preached everywhere, while the Lord worked with them, and confirmed the word by the signs that followed." When the disciples spread the gospel, the Lord worked with them in spirit to manifest signs. These signs confirm the word preached.
The powerful works that God is showing to us are not merely the healing of some sickness or disease, but there is also regeneration of paralyzed and degenerated parts of the body. Also, we can rule over and drive away the power of evil spirits. Even when they don't receive my prayer in person, the powerful works still take place transcending the boundaries of space and time. You can experience the power of God with faith any time through Muan sweet water and handkerchief prayer. Jesus said in John 4:48, "Unless you people see signs and wonders, you simply will not believe." Your faith could grow up and you could have true hope for the kingdom of Heaven because there are works of God's power in our church. Is there anybody who is in despair and agony because of personal problems? I want you to remember that God has given the precious gift of His power that can make impossible things possible. I hope all of you will experience the power of God and become the witnesses, and become spiritual warriors who have the faith that God desires of you.