Estonia Is Being Filled with Fiery Works of the Holy Spirit
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February 27, 2011 |
Jose Morales (A businessman, Tallinn in Estonia)
My wife and I have dual nationality of Mexico and Estonia. We have lived in Estonia since 2003. It's my wife's mother land. We were looking for a church filled with the fullness of the Holy Spirit and His works, but it was never easy to find such a church. We prayed for giving us God's supernatural help and blessings. We began to long and wait for someone who would help us and pour the fullness of the Holy Spirit into us.
Deciding to leave Estonia for the spiritual growth
I had attended many churches to find a church filled with the Holy Spirit, but none of the churches satisfied my need. I finally decided to leave for the U.S. because I was eager to meet men of goodness and good Christian families. Even more so, I wanted to bring revival to Estonian churches with the support of numerous Christians in the U.S. Last summer, however, I came to meet Samuel S. Kim and his fellow workers from Manmin Central Church. I felt excited and hugged him because his name was the same as my son's and I was told that he was a born-again Christian. I heard that they were members of the organizing committee preparing for 2010 Estonia Miracle Healing Crusade with Dr. Jaerock Lee which would be held on October 30 and 31, 2010. I believed that this was God's answer to our 7-year prayer, and we were overwhelmed with joy. At that time, they asked me where they could stay while preparing for the crusade. I let them stay in an apartment which had been on the rental housing market.
Moved by the holiness gospel that the mission team from Manmin Central Church spread
The mission team and I started having prayer meetings in my house every morning. Even though it was not easy to have and receive visitors every day for 3 hours, I felt blessed and pleased when I was with them. I felt like I was in Heaven while I saw them behave in such a holy and graceful manner. They were God's gifts to help my family members become sanctified.
We have listened to sermons delivered by many famous pastors through programs on TBN and God's TV, but Dr. Jaerock Lee's messages were unlike any other. The messages were perfect, deep and holy. The holiness gospel was so powerful and very sincere. It also let me understand the providence of God the Creator well.
Experiencing the amazing power of God during Estonia Miracle Healing Crusade 2010
We could feel the presence of God when my family met Dr. Jaerock Lee in person a few days before the crusade. My mother-in-law had pain in her heel, but her pain disappeared at the time. Sister Milbi, who prayed with us every day, experienced the works of her poor hearing being restored to normal. She had previously received the gift of vision, so she often saw various things in her visions when praying for someone. One day, during the prayer meeting, she became filled with the Holy Spirit and told us that "There is a tree of the shape of Dr. Jaerock Lee. It is so tall that it reaches the sky and so wide that it covers all the nations, and there are numerous angels and the Lord around it." At last he came to Estonia and led a 2-day Estonian Crusade. Even though he prayed for the sick from the podium, I clearly saw the lame walk from wheelchairs, and those with poor eyesight being recovered to normal. It was awesome to see people healed of various kinds of diseases. Furthermore, he taught us about properly using the right name of our Lord Jesus Christ. I have never heard about the difference between using the name 'Jesus' and the name 'Jesus Christ'. It was so impressive and special, because 'Jesus' is a very commonly used name in Latin America. It was reasonable to pray in the name of 'Jesus Christ' because "Jesus" had been the name before He was crucified (Matthew 1:21). I am shedding tears even writing this by the fullness of the Holy Spirit.
Through the ministries of books and broadcasting, Estonia becomes filled with the Holy Spirit
We are trying hard to resemble the Lord by reading the books authored by Dr. Jaerock Lee such as The Message of the Cross, My Life My Faith, and Heaven. We have been praying with the wise messages day and night. We could feel that the books had been written through the inspiration of the Holy Spirit. We attend Sunday Evening Worship Service of Manmin Central Church at 8 every Sunday morning through live-broadcast. Since the Estonia Crusade, I have had 6 prayer meetings together with around 100 people from various areas and even an island. In the meeting, the works of healing and marvelous things have taken place. Especially, the 6th prayer meeting that was held in the place where Estonia Crusade had been held. A sister saw a sign that golden lights came down to us and her hands even looked like golden paper. Everyone there was so delighted. This prayer meeting was led by a Norwegian pastor named 'Thorbjom.' Estonia has changed. The fire of the Holy Spirit is blazing. Members of the prayer meeting organized the 'Global Christian Community' which is acknowledged as a legal and formal group and works for the world mission and some Christian events. They established an association The Burning Bush as well. They are teaching people about Jesus Christ. We will cooperate with Pastor Mart Vahira who is serving rehabilitation centers in Estonia and through this ministry many people who are slaves of sins and addicted to alcohol, drugs, or sexual relationships will escape from the sins and come back to the Lord. We will keep organizing such meetings, establishing a firm foothold of such groups, and achieve Estonian church revival. We give all thanks and glory to God who sent the mission team of Manmin Central Church and let Estonia be set ablaze with the fire of the Holy Spirit.
Jose Morales (right), local pastors, and a few believers at the crusade preparation prayer meeting