My Newly Changed Heart Made My Son Change
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May 08, 2011 |
Deaconess Seonhwa Lee (14-2 Parish, 1-4 Women's mission)
"I came to know how important it is to love our children, encourage them, and help them feel the love of the Lord when we parents educate them."
I was amazed seeing my son behave differently
"Do not shake your head, son. What's wrong with you?" My son is in the fifth grade of elementary school. In early March he began to shake his head. At first, I just thought that he shook his head because he cared about his hair style being just like his friends. However, he kept doing it more and more often. When studying, watching TV, and even talking to me, he shook his head. I asked him why he shook his head, but the answer was different every time.
He shook his head even when he answered 'yes' to my question. It was hard for me to understand what he really meant. I had to ask him again whether his answer was yes or no. His private tutor also spoke of her difficulties in teaching him because of his head shaking habit.
On March 16th, there was a parents' meeting in his school. Talking to his teacher, I heard in detail about the seriousness of his head shaking habit. I came to know that my son suffered from the phenomena known as 'motor tics'. I had conversation with my husband on that matter. However, we could not decide whether to have him undergo psychotherapy or not.
In the end, we decided to commit the problem to God and prayed with tears during Daniel prayer meeting. I could pray with faith because we had already experienced God's powerful works when my son was healed of atopic dermatitis.
I realized that it was entirely my fault and thoroughly repented
In fact, I had studied elementary children's education in college. I knew many things about children's education and I was also eager to teach my son well. I sometimes spanked him when he acted up with stubbornness, thinking that I had to help him form good habits.
I wanted many things for him, but I did it without consideration of his disposition. I wanted him to study well, worship God during service in a good manner, pray fervently, demonstrate leadership, and build what I considered to be a good social network with his friends in school. However, he was a timid and shy boy. When his friends made fun of him, he did not know how to deal with them properly. This is because he had been taught not to strike another person or fight with others. However, I did not teach him how to love and understand them.
Whenever I saw weaknesses in him, I scolded him with harsh words. Although I spanked him less over time, my son regarded me as one whom he loved the most and he was most afraid of at the same time. My way of educating him made him feel timid. He tried to read my face and even lied to me. In addition to all this he was having difficulties in adapting to the new surroundings in the new school term.
I thoroughly repented looking back on my past ways of teaching which had forced him to do many things due to my uncontrolled emotions. I could not help but to shed tears thinking of his pain and affliction caused by my personality. I realized that the cause of the problem was not in him, but in me. I started to try my best to be on his side and encourage him rather than to care about what others around me thought. By doing so, I came to have a better relationship with my son. However, he was still suffering from motor tics.
My family received Dr. Jaerock Lee's prayer during Mini Divine Healing Meeting
On March 20th, after Sunday evening service, the whole family attended the Mini Divine Healing Meeting with Dr. Jaerock Lee. After listening to his message I received his prayer with God's grace. Unconsciously I laid my hands on my son's head. Afterwards, we prayed at Daniel prayer meeting and went home.
The next day when he came home after school, I started to watch him closely. I noticed that he did not shake his head anymore! After he had studied with his private tutor, I asked his tutor if he had shaken his head. She said that he hadn't. His homeroom teacher also wrote in his journal, 'He no longer shakes his head!' In other words, he became perfectly normal through Dr. Lee's prayer during Mini Divine Healing Meeting.
He became able to concentrate on his studies better than ever before and gained patience. He appears no longer to be annoyed. He used to hate going to private school lessons but now he goes to learn mathematics. His grades are improving. Through this, I realized that the most important thing in the children's education is for the parents to help their children feel the love of the Lord.
I give thanks to Senior Pastor Dr. Jaerock Lee who has nurtured us with the Word of God and prayer and let us experience the works of the Holy Spirit. I thank the Lord who is praying for us and solved our problems in spirit and flesh. I give all thanks and glory to Father God.