One day in March 2024, I suddenly hurt my lower back on both sides, and since then I had not been able to walk properly. I went to an orthopedic clinic and was diagnosed with a herniated disc. ...
"I Gained a Son, Solomon through Blessings of Conception and Easy Delivery" / "We Recovered Our Health. We Are Happy"
"I Gained a Son, Solomon through Blessings of Conception and Easy Delivery"
Rudmila (Way, Truth, and Life Church)
I had two miscarriages during the three years after marriage. I was in trouble because I couldn't have a baby. I prayed to God since I wanted a baby. One day, I happened to meet Rev. Dr. Jaerock Lee when he visited Israel. When he was about to pray for me I told him that I wanted to have a baby. After his prayer, I got pregnant and God let my husband know that the baby's name would be Solomon.
It was not easy to deliver the baby by natural birth because he was big. But I relied on God shouting, "God, help me!" At that very moment, I received strength and felt the existence of God. I caught my breath and strained my abdomen. Then I felt strong power come upon me. It was the blessing of God.
I gave birth to the healthy baby, my son in March 2010. Whenever I look at Solomon, my son, I give thanks to God for God's gift to us. I also extend my thanks to Dr. Lee who prayed for my family and me.
"We Recovered Our Health. We Are Happy"
Pastor Shlomy Abramov (Crown of Jewels Church)
My family has received abundant blessings from God through Rev. Dr. Jaerock Lee. My mother was staying in a sanatorium and fell on the floor. As a result, she couldn't walk. But she started to walk leaning on the walker after I sprayed Muan Sweet Water on her with faith. Then, she later came to walk well without the walker.
My wife had a medical emergency requiring prompt surgical treatment due to cholecystitis. In December 2009 her doctor in the US, told me that if she stayed in Israel without surgery she would die. But my wife and I asked Dr. Lee to pray for her and she did not receive any medical treatment. After the prayer transcending space and time, my wife was completely healed and now enjoys good health. I give my love and thanks to Dr. Lee who prayed for us.