Manmin News, Manmin, Manmin Central Church, drLee, jae-rock Lee

I was healed of acute cerebral infarction and acute myocardial infarction!
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On September 3, 2024, I came across a minor collision on the way to work. When I got to the office and drank water, my hands were shaking and I could not keep my balance. I was sent to the emergency room and the examination results showed that I had an acute cerebral infarction, which was serious. The doctor advised me to go to a larger hospital. ...

Manmin Magazine's 700th Episode On location for recording of the special presentation

Manmin News   No. 256
October 16, 2011

Manmin Magazine, a weekly video news programming of Manmin TV broadcast live during Friday All-night service every Friday, presented its 700th episode. Since its first presentation on July 29, 1997, for the last 15 years, Manmin Magazine has delivered the church news and testimonies of those who have met God, who have been healed of diseases and have been set free from problems in their lives in the name of Jesus Christ through Dr. Jaerock Lee.

Manmin Magazine is broadcast through satellite, IPTV, and the Internet and has given grace to viewers, touched their hearts, and planted faith in them. Manmin TV takes the lead in spreading the holiness gospel by producing and distributing various programs that include praise and performance that spearhead Christian culture, the holiness gospel, the works of power, and a variety of testimonies.

God was with Manmin with a circular rainbow and good weather

On October 3, the 700th Manmin Magazine was recorded on the special staging at Muan Manmin Church in Jeollanamdo. It is the site of God's power where salty sea water was changed into sweet fresh water by the prayer of Dr. Jaerock Lee. On the recording day, seven cameras including four HD and one crane camera were used to shoot it.

The production team left for the site at 5 A.M. and arrived at 9 A.M. While they were setting the stage in a good weather, a circular rainbow appeared over them. They felt the love of God who celebrated the 700th Manmin Magazine.

At the beginning of the filming, Pastor Myungsool Kim ministering to Muan Manmin Church came up to the stage and prayed for the shooting. After that he said, "Strong winds blew yesterday, but now there's no wind and it is very warm." He gave glory and thanks to God along with the audience. It heightened the atmosphere even more.

This filming work of Manmin Magazine brought many members from domestic branch churches in the Jellanamdo region. Among them Brother Jaewoo Lee was interviewed. His parents testified he had been healed of burns of his face when he was just 8 months old and the healing testimony broadcast in the 433rd Manmin Magazine. Seeing him grow up healthy without scarring, the audience gave thanks and glory to God and they all felt very happy. The recording proceeded until 10:30 P.M. with MCs, Elder Johnny Kim and Cleo Hong.

The 100 testimonies of experiencing the powerful works of God

The 24-hour Internet streaming service has been made possible. GCN service has been available through satellites and IP TV. But beginning October 7th, as the 700th Manmin Magazine was being presented, GCN internet service can now be watched 24 hours a day anywhere Internet service is available. Day and night, you can contact and enjoy GCN programming anywhere anytime. The service is even available through Smart Phones, by using the address to access the site.

The 700th Manmin Magazine showed 100 testimonies that have been manifested through the power of the shepherd. They were chosen among hundreds of testimonies because they were well-reviewed by viewers. The powerful works amazed them again even though they had already seen them. The works in 100 testimonies were as follows: healings of cancer, burns, walking disorders, skin diseases, the dead coming to life, recovery from poor eyesight and hearing, being protected from car accidents, blessings of conception and easy labor, experiencing the spiritual world, and healing cases transcending space and time.

Also, Dr. Jaerock Lee's crusades held in Uganda, Pakistan, India, New York in the U.S., and Jerusalem in Israel were introduced. Various signs, wonders, and extraordinary works such as rainbows, dragonflies, and movement of stars were also presented.

The 700th Manmin Magazine was presented during Friday All-night Service on October 7 celebrating the 29th church anniversary and watched by around 150 foreign guests from 18 countries who visited Manmin Central Church to celebrate the 29th anniversary. I give thanks and glory to Father God who has led countless souls to the way of salvation through the broadcasting ministry.


The circular rainbow appeared over the sky when the 700th Manmin Magazine was recorded. It was taken at 11:41 A.M. The audiences were shouting with joy and the family of Brother Jaewoo Lee, who was healed of burns and gave testimonies in the 433rd Manmin Magazine, was filled with the Holy Spirit.

How to watch Manmin Magazine on the Internet

Visit Manmin TV's website ( and select the language. Then click the menu bar 'Testimonies' and then 'Manmin Magazine.' You can watch previous episodes.




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Manmin News, Manmin, Manmin Church, Manmin Central Church, Jaerock Lee, Jaerock, drLee