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I was healed of acute cerebral infarction and acute myocardial infarction!
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On September 3, 2024, I came across a minor collision on the way to work. When I got to the office and drank water, my hands were shaking and I could not keep my balance. I was sent to the emergency room and the examination results showed that I had an acute cerebral infarction, which was serious. The doctor advised me to go to a larger hospital. ...

The Books Filled with the Heart and Will of God, I Want to Spread Them to Overseas Chinese All Over the World

Manmin News   No. 262
November 27, 2011

Ms. Deborah Tang, President of Malaysia Manmin Publisher

In June 2000, I received a leaflet publicizing a revival meeting with the title of 'Anybody Who Believes in the Lord Can Receive Healing.' One of my legs was shorter than the other and I was also pregnant. I walked with a waddle at that time. Seeing the leaflet, I accepted the Lord because I wanted to be healed. When I listened to and learned about the Word of God, there were all these secrets to receiving blessings in both health and wealth!

I was so amazed by the fact that the good God is my spiritual Father. I wanted to lead a Christian life that was pleasing to Father God.

I tried my best to keep the Sabbath, give tithe, and keep the Ten Commandments according to what I learned. I threw away all things such as pottery or dolls that had the images of dragons and various images since I learned they are ones that God really hates. Then, my legs started to be recovered to normal and I was financially blessed, too.

The more I realized the will of God, the more clearly I wanted to understand it. I was eager to know about Heaven and Hell in detail.

After reading Dr. Jaerock Lee's book, Heaven I

In August 2007, I received Chinese edition of Heaven I authored by Dr. Lee as a gift from an acquaintance. I was so glad that I could read the book cover to cover in a short while. I was surprised by the existence of different dwelling places in Heaven and different glories according to the measure of faith. I was fascinated by the best dwelling place, New Jerusalem. At that time, Heaven that had been only a vague notion in me came clearly came to my mind, then the hope for Heaven overflowed in my heart.

I really hoped to see Dr. Lee who delivered the will of God in such a clear way. A few days later, I came to visit Manmin Central Church in Korea. I could feel Dr. Lee's love through the church workers who served me with all their hearts as I was greeted and came from the airport.

Manmin Central Church had everything including the word of life, praise, and prayer. Nothing was lacking. I could see the church's world mission activities when visiting many departments. Finally, the day came. I had a visitation time with Dr. Lee. How can I express the joy that I felt at the moment with mere words? He is the one who satisfied my spiritual thirst and showed the way to meet Father God. I came to be filled with the Holy Spirit seeing Dr. Lee who is gentle and humble. The church members also gave out the fragrance of Christ as true Christians, which made me realize the power of the holiness gospel.

I start Malaysia Manmin Publisher that spread the holiness gospel

I returned to my country with 500 books of Dr. Lee's of every kind. I began becoming immersed in the precious books such as The Message of the Cross, The Measure of Faith, and Hell which are full of valuable messages. I listened to around 300 of his sermons in the series like 'Beatitudes', 'Chapter of Love', and 'Ten Commandments'. My Christian life has changed and my faith has grown up since then.

I also spread his books to others. The books teach us the core of the Bible. So the more we read them, the more widely our spiritual eyes open and the more clearly we come to know the heart and will of God. We can experience the works of God when we obey the words written in the books. Reading them, I came to be filled with earnest heart that I want to spread the holiness gospel.

But there was a problem. It cost me a lot to buy the books and have them shipped to Malaysia from Korea. During my visit to Korea when I met Dr. Lee and later dipped myself in the Muan Sweet Water Pool, I finally decided to publish the books in my country. At the end of 2010, I started 'Manmin Publisher' with the heart that desires all people to receive salvation and go to Heaven.

Until all people reach the way of salvation

Manmin Publisher has mainly published Dr. Lee's books. Now we have Dr. Lee's eight books such as the English edition of The Law of God and Chinese editions of The Message of the Cross; Tasting Eternal Life before Death; Spirit, Soul, and Body I; Heaven I & II; God the Healer; and Awaken, Israel. The books are spread throughout many countries such as India and countries where many overseas Chinese people live.

Many of the readers have received a lot of grace and have given their testimonies. They confessed, "I discovered what was wrong with my Christian life and repented. Then, I received healing and financial blessings." Others also stated, "I came to realize the providence of salvation and my Christian life has changed. I am very pleased to know I have to pray in the name of Jesus Christ not just the name of Jesus."

I also have experienced the works of God through the handkerchief on which Dr. Lee had prayed on my visit to Korea. After I prayed for the sick with the handkerchief, those who had relied on a wheelchair came to walk and some were healed of blood cancer.

I want to keep sharing the love of God and blessings with innumerable people and spread the holiness gospel by publishing and distributing more books. I pray in the name of the Lord that we at Manmin Publisher will fulfill the will of God who desires all people to receive salvation. I give all thanks and glory to our Father God who blesses me to become a tool used for spreading the holiness gospel.

The Manmin Bookstore that President Deborah Tang runs is located in the eastern area of Malaysia where many Christians dwell. The holiness gospel and the power of God are being spread out from the bookstore.




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Manmin News, Manmin, Manmin Church, Manmin Central Church, Jaerock Lee, Jaerock, drLee