Happiness, Joy, and Thanks Overflow in Me
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June 03, 2012 |
Deaconess Miyeon Yu (Chief Researcher of Cheil Industries Inc., Samsung)
By God's grace, I was hired by a major firm
I heard that my company for which I had worked was going to move to Osan city in Gyeong-gi-Do. I live in Seoul so that is far from where I live. It is a trip that takes four to five hours. I decided to get a new job and prayed to God for it.
In the early September in 2010, I applied for a job in charge of electronic materials in Cheil Industries Inc. that is an affiliate of Samsung Group through open recruitment. I didn't have great hope because it was a large and leading company. Furthermore, I had only three days left to prepare my career and work experience history presentation, so I was about to give it up.
But I changed my thinking and tried to prepare for the presentation because I wanted to give glory to God. When I prayed earnestly for the presentation material, God let me come up with the overall structure of it and I was able to prepare for it quite easily.
Before the interview, I asked Dr. Jaerock Lee to pray for it. He prayed and said "Do your best!" giving me encouragement. As he had prayed, I did a good job in the presentation without feeling nervous. On December 1st, I finally heard that the job was mine.
With humbleness and service, I adapted to the new environment
I felt great pressure to adapt myself to the new environment. But I thought of God who is always with me and overcame everything with thanks and prayer. I also tried hard to apply the Word of God to my life.
I smiled when interacting with others, listened to others until they finished talking, followed others' opinions and advise unless I felt it was something of untruth. I gave small presents to co-workers on their birthdays, and asked sincerely how they were doing. I showed them with love that I cared. I think such deeds gave them a favorable impression of me, so I was loved by them as well. My coworkers and juniors wanted to talk about their problems with me because they trusted me.
I also obeyed my superiors even when it was hard to understand them and when it troubled me. But then I also came to be loved and recognized by them too.
I made up my mind to become an instrument of the Lord and acted on it
In March in 2011, I visited Senior Pastor Dr. Jaerock Lee with my sister Jiyeon Yu. Afterwards, I came to have a more burning heart for the Lord and souls and I made up my mind to live for Father God, the Lord and for souls.
Step by step I began to prepare myself to be used preciously as the Lord's tool. In the meantime, I was healed of severe menstrual pain that had troubled me for ten years by Dr. Lee's prayer in the Special Divine Healing Meeting held in the June of 2011.
In November, I was very busy preparing for graduate school, an e-Test (web-based computer skill test) and TOEIC test (English skill test) for promotion to a chief researcher. In addition, I was kept very busy due to a lot of work at my job.
However, I did my best to fulfill my duty in the company and prayed without ceasing by faith in God who gives me strength. As a result, I passed the graduate school entrance test and entered the chemical engineering department of Yonsei University. Because of this, I got additional points for merit on the promotion evaluation.
Blessing overflows with the promotion
On February 29, 2012, one of my coworkers gave me a call saying, "Congratulations, Chief Researcher." My coworkers offered me congratulations after it was announced. All my team members shared joy with me and I was also blessed to receive a pay raise.
I always thought that I want to live a good Christian life, and set a good example as a Christian in the world. I prayed like that with hope. I also prioritized my God-given duty and tried my best to fulfill it. In February in 2011, I received the Award of Merit for the Best Group Leader from Manmin Central Church. I give thanks to Father God and the Lord who answers all my prayers and takes responsibility for me.
I have great expectation for my future life. I long for the day when I will be used as a precious instrument of Lord. I give all thanks and glory to God the Trinity who is God the Father, God the Son, and God the Holy Spirit.