I am full of hope for Heaven through lectures on Genesis
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February 03, 2013 |
Brother Hosan Chung (Lieutenant, Mobile Police Regiment 2, Seoul Metropolitan Police Agency; the 3rd Young Adults' Mission)
"Wow! This is what I've been looking for!"
By coincidence, I happened to read the lectures on Genesis uploaded on an internet blog. I couldn't repress my astonishment. God the Origin who existed in the form of the Light that contains voice in the beginning, the creation of God, Lucifer's appearance and rebellion, the providence of salvation in the cross preplanned before ages, the forming of Adam, the first man. I felt like I was watching these events first-hand. I opened my eyes wide with surprise reading the message that had been conveyed with great assurance. Realizing the original heart of God who created men to share love with Him and that He has cultivated mankind for this purpose, I was overjoyed and overwhelmed with amazement.
After entering Korean National Police University and staying in its dorm…
I was born into a Christian family but it was not until I had a winter vacation as a 9th grader that I was born again by water and the Spirit. When I studied English in the Philippines for two months, I attended prayer meetings. At that time, I experienced the presence of the Spirit and thoroughly repented with tears and runny nose. I even spoke with tongues. In joy from above, I felt like I was in Heaven. Afterwards, I read the Bible and asked in prayer for wisdom and strength every time before I studied. Finally, I was admitted to Korean National Police University. After entering school, I stayed at its dorm. But I found it hard to adapt myself to the way of life there. It had a rigid hierarchy like that of the army and freshmen had to deal with all manner of trivial works. Various close-order drills, drills given by seniors, and a lot of things to do for study and assignment… In such a surrounding, to my shame, the 'real' measure of my faith was revealed. I came to distance myself from the Bible that I had read every day and I even skipped Sunday Service. I didn't give tithes and I prayed for a short while before going to bed as a mere formality. I had felt joyful after experiencing the Spirit, but from then I started to feel 'heavy' with no reason. I had no assurance of salvation. I was in spiritual slumber and I spent time idly playing many kinds of computer games and surfing the internet for as many as two years to fill my empty heart. But I still felt troubled. It was later that I realized it was the Spirit's groaning too deep for words. But something happened when I became a junior. I realized the love of God reading 'Personal Narrative' written by Pastor Jonathan Edwards and thoroughly repented of my past sins. Afterwards, I felt happy even when I saw the blue sky because I felt like God is watching me with love. I came to read the Bible and pray again and diligently attended a church near my house.
By the grace of the Spirit I recovered my faith and met the true shepherd
About that same time, I encountered the lecture on the Book of Genesis on a personal blog. I received great grace and I was touched by the sermon that teaches us 'the origin'. I thought it happened not by coincidence but the guidance of the Spirit. I was curious about who possesses such strong conviction and deep spiritual knowledge. So, I looked up on the internet and found out that it is Dr. Jaerock Lee who is Senior Pastor of Manmin Central Church. But I heard that Manmin Central Church was condemned by a certain Christian organization. For a moment, I was confused as to the grace I had received from the sermons. 'Let's dig into which side is right.' I prayed to the Lord so that I can gain spiritual discernment and started to compare Manmin and the organization with their material. I read Dr. Jaerock Lee's sermons and testimonies and tried to examine the things that had sparked the condemnation. And I also examined the organization's assertions. From the outset, all I found were full of bias and misunderstanding about Manmin and there were even a lot of false statements. In contrast, Dr. Lee's sermons and testimonies sounded so pure and I became full of grace as I read them. Moreover, I watched many video clips that show the power of Dr. Lee such as the highlights of overseas crusades, divine healing testimonies of many foreign people, the appearance of obedient dragonflies that can't be explained through modern science, and the spiritual lights. Watching them, all my doubts were dispelled naturally. I rather felt thankful to Dr. Lee who clearly showed the evidences of the living God. As said in Matthew 7:20, "So then, you will know them by their fruits," I came to be sure about him as a true pastor whom God has walked with. Since then, I had read and listened to his sermons and books for one and a half years.
After realizing the true will of God and filling my heart with the Lord's love…
In the past, I had a vague longing for sanctification while reading the Bible. However, nothing came to my mind including the depth of faith that belongs to the fullness of the Christ or how I could 'die daily'. But, reading Dr. Lee's The Measure of Faith, I realized the great value of sanctification and detailed ways to reach the measure of faith that is pleasing to God the most. Besides, I read Heaven I & II and Love Is the Fulfillment of the Law and listened to 'Lectures on Revelation'. Through them, I gained spiritual realization on the Bible and the love of God and the Lord filled my heart. I became full of happiness. My life was finally changed while listening to the sermons that teach God's heart and will in detail. I tried to cast off sinful nature in my heart and every form of evil. I also tried my best to speak words of virtue and goodness to others. Then, God blessed me to work for the office I had wanted after graduation. That is, I was transferred to Mobile Police Regiment 2 near my place as a platoon leader. In September, 2012, I registered in Manmin Central Church that I had longed for and became a member of Manmin. Since then, I have been leading my Christian life in true peace and with hope for Heaven. I am truly happy spending time with my family of faith whom I have met in the Lord. I give all thanks and glory to God who has guided me to meet the true shepherd and to become God's g