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Owing to God's grace I've won Industrial Service Medal

Manmin News   No. 321
February 10, 2013

Deacon Jungsu Kim's family

Deacon Jungsu Kim
(Head of International Affairs Department, Korea International Trade Association; 3-32 Parish):
Here is an interview with Deacon Jungsu Kim and his family.
Deacon Kim had recently won the Industrial Service Medal on Trade Day 2012.

Industrial Service Medal Certificate
Korea International Trade Association
Jungsu Kim (Jungsu Kim of KITA has the credit of contribution to the nation's industrial development and has been awarded Industrial Service Medal by President Myungbak Lee.)

Reference: Industrial Service Medal is awarded to those who have made outstanding contribution to the national industrial development, among Koreans and foreigners, under Awards and Decorations Act of South of Korea (Included in Articles 1 and 2 of Awards and Decorations Act).

Deacon Jungsu Kim's work experience

December, 2012
Organized South Korean business leaders' state dinner with Pakistani President Asif Ali Zardari
October, 2012
Worked as a secretary general of GCF (Green Climate Fund) Private Business Attraction Committee
August, 2012
Organized South Korean business leaders' luncheon meeting with Costa Rican President Laura Chinchilla
March, 2012
Organized South Korean business leaders' luncheon meeting with Nguyễn Tấn Dũng, Prime Minister of Vietnam
May, 2011
Organized the Korea-Denmark Business Forum on South Korean President Myungbak Lee's state visit to Denmark
November, 2010
Worked as a member of the Organizing Committee of Seoul G20 Business Summit

Congratulations on winning Industrial Service Medal from the Korean government!

Thank you. It has been all done in the grace of God. Even during the global recession and European financial crisis, Korean Trade reached 1 trillion dollar mark in two consecutive years, 2011 and 2012.
In 2011, Korea became the 9th country to join 'One-Trillion-Dollar Trade Club`, turning itself into a major player in the global trade order. It was an overwhelming moment for me since I had worked for the Korea International Trade Association for 25 years.
Furthermore, on December 5, 2012, when we celebrated the 49th Trade Day, I was awarded Industrial Service Medal under Awards and Decorations Act of South of Korea in recognition of my contribution to the national industrial development by increasing trade.
This is a national medal for merit, and it is given to people either for their contributions to national industrial development or for distinctive merit in applying themselves closely to their duties in their businesses, or it is given to employees who are industrious and demonstrate outstanding performance for national development in factories, businesses, and other workplaces.
Those who win this medal are treated as men of national merit. It was unprecedented that it was not a business, but it was I who belongs to a sponsoring organization of the event who won such a medal.

You said it is all because of the grace of God.

Yes, it is. In September, 2011, I heard that Senior Deaconess Hyesuk Shin, my wife, (Chief of Woman & Juvenile Affairs Section in Bupyeong Police Station) had been selected as an excellent police woman and she would win an accolade from Minister of Public Administration and Security during the 66th Policemen Day Event held on October 21, 2011.
At that time, my heart came to be burning with desire to give glory to God together with her by receiving a presidential citation on 2012 Trade Day. God remembered my heart desire and worked on it in an amazing way.
I usually tried hard to set a good example and do good because I learned so from Dr. Jaerock Lee's sermons. He always tells us to seek not our own, but others' benefit and give out the fragrance of the Christ everywhere. He sets a good example himself and prays for me.
As a result, I came to live by the Word and I think God was watching me try my best, with love. In December 2012, I received a greater award than the presidential citation that I had wanted.

We heard that your family became a family of faith at some point.

In 1996, my elder sisters Senior Deaconesses Sunae Kim and Sunmi Kim evangelized me and my wife. We came to attend Manmin Central Church. In 1999, a broadcaster distorted the truth and made a false report about my church but it rather served an opportunity for us to make a family of faith.
There was a lot of misunderstanding and persecutions from co-workers and acquaintances, but I had no doubt and I had never swayed. I just believed God would let Senior Pastor Dr. Lee be known to people all around the world through it and He would accomplish national evangelization and the world mission all the more greatly.
I could keep my faith because I believed Dr. Lee who had practiced only goodness and love as written in the Bible. I also believe in God the Almighty who guarantees his word with countless signs and wonders and powerful works.

Isn't it difficult to keep the whole Sabbath due to frequent business trips abroad?

On the average I have to go on one or two business trips abroad each month because I direct the international affairs. I was troubled when I couldn't attend Sunday Service. So, I tried hard to arrange the schedule during weekdays. When I couldn't make it, I rearranged my schedule during the trip and came back on Saturday. God saw my deeds and let everything go well with me, helping me do my job successfully when I escorted VIPs during their official trips abroad. I attended many international conferences, and hosted events in Korea as well.

We heard that all your family members are filled with the love of the Lord.

All my family members try hard to become joy of the Lord not only in church but also in the world. My wife Senior Deaconess Hyesuk Shin has given lectures and had interviews with the press concerning doing her job and her duties as a police woman. Sister Seungyun Kim, my daughter won first place or second place each semester in 2012 and received scholarships respectively. And Brother Seunghyun Kim, my son entered Hankuk University of Foreign Studies as a student of English Translation and Interpretation Department.

What do you want to achieve in 2013?

In 2013, God has given Manmin members a lot of grace through the original voice so that they can make much more rapid spiritual growth ever than before. I want to be one of the ones who does so. All blessings given to me were allowed owing to the grace of God and the instructions of Senior Pastor Dr. Jaerock Lee. I give all thanks and glory to God.




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Manmin News, Manmin, Manmin Church, Manmin Central Church, Jaerock Lee, Jaerock, drLee