Becoming a professional Go player, the fruit borne through the love of God
 13418 |
March 03, 2013 |
Brother Hoseung Lee and his mother
Brother Hoseung Lee (3rd Mission of Young Adults' United Mission)
From early childhood, I had only one single goal. From the time I was 7, my parents had me learn a board game called 'Go' (also called Baduk, which is an East Asian board game played between two players). It was for my emotional stability and improving my concentration. When I was a second grader, I won the first place in the Boongbae Lee's Go Championships. Since then, I have wanted to become a professional Go player.
But I had to quit after my father passed away when I was a 4th grader because my family couldn't afford the Go classes that cost six hundred thousand won—around 600 US dollars every month. Gratefully, I could attend another Go school near my house for free because they recognized my skill. During my years of middle and high school, I still could study the game of Go thanks to my schools' special consideration. But I had to study it by myself using online websites, so it was not until I turned 18 that I gained the skills to become a Go professional.
In most of competitions, I stayed a top ranking player. However, I failed every time in the contest that chooses professionals. This was because I couldn't show my skill due to extreme tension. Statistically, there are more cases where the older person loses in the final round, so I felt more pressure as years went by.
In March 2010, after failing again to become a professional, I thought about giving up my dream. On April 17, 2010, I visited Senior Pastor Dr. Jaerock Lee who knew my situation including my Christian life. At that time, he supported me financially so I could focus on studying the game of Go. He said to me, "It is ok even if you are not to become a Go professional, but please, concentrate only on studying Go without seeking the worldly things or the opposite sex."
I got myself together and went to famous Go houses. I improved my skill there competing with professionals. In October, 2010, I was finally ranked as the top amateur player. In 2011, I studied Go in the Go house from 9 A.M. to 9:30 P.M. To enhance my physical stamina and mental ability I ran 6km from 11 A.M. to 12 A.M. I thought I would surely be a professional in the contest that would be held in August 2010. But I failed again.
I started to look back upon myself praying to God. A lot of things came to my mind: I had skipped prayer saying I was tired; I had even been arrogant over my title as the 'top amateur player'; I hadn't kept the promise with the Senior Pastor in my heart and I hadn't been focused on my studying. I repented to God with tears and I told my faults, with regret and embarrassment, to Dr. Lee who had helped me study.
At that time, I deeply realized how important the spiritual growth is and came to lead a renewed Christian life. Afterwards, my attitude to offer up service and prayer was changed. I tried to watch over my heart and live according to the Word of God.
In January, 2012, Senior Pastor Dr. Lee asked me, "Do you have discomfort?" I said no, but the grace of repentance came upon me while praying. I realized that I had discomfort toward my father thinking I couldn't study the game of Go after he passed away. I also had such a heart towards God. And I realized that the reason I couldn't become a professional is the love of God who wanted me to possess firm faith and led me to Heaven.
God led me to a true blessing that prospered my soul, not to become a professional. Because I realized the love of God and studied the game of Go, I could be focused on things God is pleased with and I felt peaceful and happiness. In April, 2012, I won in the ninth Tongyang Investment Bank Online Go Game Championship.
In January, 2013, I played the 132nd Go Professional Joining Competition to acquire a professional diploma in the Korea Baduk Association. I would be able to become a Go professional only when I had won eight out of ten games, but I won in the two games and lost in the two games in the beginning. I had to win in the remaining consecutive six games. If it were the game that had been held before, I would have felt disheartened and given up because of extreme nervousness.
But I rather prayed, "God! Thank You. Senior Pastor prayed for me and said that I could become a professional and I wanted to give joy to him. Thank You again because even if I can't be a professional player this time, I will be the one next time."
From the 5th game after the prayer, I could see the opponent's nervousness rather than me feeling nervous. I then became bold. From that game, I achieved the 6 consecutive victories and finally became a Go professional with the total score of 8 wins and 2 losses. Hallelujah!
I want to give glory to God with good scores and please God by achieving the good and beautiful heart of the Lord. I give all thanks and glory to God who has led me to a blessed way both in spirit and body.