Manmin News, Manmin, Manmin Central Church, drLee, jae-rock Lee

I was healed of acute cerebral infarction and acute myocardial infarction!
New Update
On September 3, 2024, I came across a minor collision on the way to work. When I got to the office and drank water, my hands were shaking and I could not keep my balance. I was sent to the emergency room and the examination results showed that I had an acute cerebral infarction, which was serious. The doctor advised me to go to a larger hospital. ...

A copy of Manmin News changed my life! God, thank You!

Manmin News   No. 336
May 26, 2013

Senior Deaconess Youngnim Oh (Gwangju Manmin Church, Korea)

Not long after I delivered my first child in February 1992, I began to feel sick. My body felt sluggish for the following seven years and I even lost zest in life; I was suffering from asthenia, a loss of body strength. Furthermore, as the result of a surety bond my husband assumed, my household was heavily in debt. His salary was not enough to pay the interest alone on it.
The sleepless nights I had were in pain… During the day I secretly shed tears behind my husband's back so as not to hurt his feelings. I felt left alone in the world. The memories of it are now flashing through my mind.

God healed me of asthenia at a Special Revival Meeting

In late April, 1999, a ray of light came into my life that seemed like a series of dark tunnels full of endless misery. A paper was placed in front of my house. It was Manmin News that contains the news about the 7th two-week consecutive Special Revival Meeting held in Manmin Central Church in Seoul. I also heard that it was possible to attend the meeting in Gwangju Manmin Church, ministered to by Pastor Hyungreol Park, via relay from the Main Church and I had a strong desire to receive grace and healing.
I called Gwangju Manmin Church and struck up an acquaintance with Elder Jung Heo through the phone call. He sensed my spiritual thirst and brought to me 15 sermon tapes on 'The Measure of Faith'. I listened to them all night. I had never heard of such powerful messages and they moved my heart.
In May, 1999, I went to the Special Revival Meeting. I witnessed marvelous things: many people were healed of incurable and terminal diseases. Some stood up from wheelchairs, and some others threw away their canes and walked and jumped. I felt like the cells of my body became renewed one by one while listening to Dr. Jaerock Lee's message. Then, to get healed by faith, I stopped taking the medicine that I had been taking.
On the first day of the Special Revival Meeting, peace entered my heart and joy filled me. From then on, I was exhilarated every day. I no longer felt sluggish and my body felt light. Without noticing, I was healed of asthenia. Hallelujah!
Since then, I have never been to hospital for my health, and I have taken care of the flock as a district leader to pay back the grace of God.

God changed my husband and blessed him

After I experienced the works of the living God in the Special Revival Meeting, my family registered in Gwangju Manmin Church. God healed my second daughter of tympanitis and atopic dermatitis as well. But above all else, God renewed my husband Deacon Jongsu Seo.
My husband came to have faith as he saw my health condition improving and witnessing the signs, wonders, and powerful works manifested by Dr. Jaerock Lee. He started to stop doing what God hates. He stopped drinking and gambling. He used to be hot-tempered and he was staunchly accustomed to a patriarchal system, but now he has become so gentle that he can consider and serve others.
A point in particular, he did not skip giving tithes even when he was faced with financial hardship. He gives offerings for GCN TV without stopping and he gave offerings for the construction of the new sanctuary of Gwangju Manmin Church with all his strength. God remembered his deeds of faith and started to pour down blessings upon him.
He was promoted to Deputy Head of his department in the Korea Rural Community Corporation, and he was also assigned to its headquarters located in Uiwang City, Gyeonggi Province from the Jeonnam branch. He also received material blessing. He received Korea Rural Community Corporation President Award and gained the opportunity to be trained in Japan. He also received an Excellent Dissertation Award when he finished the Advanced Agricultural Policy Program in College of Agriculture and Life Sciences in Seoul National University. Besides, he got a chance to give a lecture in Korea Polytechnics V Gimje Campus which is a public vocational school. He also works as a head of Church Finance Department.
My first daughter Sister Myunghee Seo is a president of Young Adults' Mission and a member of Gloria Chorus, my second daughter Sister Inae Seo is a president of High School Students' Mission and a member of Cedar Wood Praise and Dance Team, and my youngest daughter Sister Jiae Seo is also a member of the team. Sister Myunghee was healed of a pulmonary abscess with faith and gave glory to God. All thanks and glory be to God who changed me, who was hopelessly in lethargy, into a happy woman and blessed all my family members to love God and work faithfully for His kingdom.




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Manmin News, Manmin, Manmin Church, Manmin Central Church, Jaerock Lee, Jaerock, drLee