"I feel so good to go to Heaven" It was my father's last word on the threshold of death with spiritual eyes open
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June 02, 2013 |
Deaconess Yeosuk Go (1st Canaan Mission)
I started to attend church when I was a 2nd grader, but I had to lead a Christian life in secret behind my father's back. During my high school years, I was guided to Manmin Central Church. From then on, I was spiritually strengthened enough to boldly preach the gospel. But my father did not approve of my preaching. When he found out that I had gone to church he ripped my clothes and grounded me except for when I went to school. He beat me until I even got bruised.
"Is my father a Buddhist head monk, not just a Buddhist?"
After graduation from college, my parents were in serious discord and I came to learn a big surprise. I thought my father was just a Buddhist, but he was a Buddhist monk and he was even a head monk in a temple before marriage. But after he got married, he quit the priesthood and propagated Buddhism through opening a small institute. I wanted to leave my father so I decided to study abroad and was accepted by graduate schools in the U.K. However, I did not want to leave the church and the shepherd so I gave up the chance. Not long after, my father went to a temple in Daegu after he and my mother had gotten divorced. I led a free Christian life and could devote myself to the church works as a mission president and as a pianist for Tuesday Worship Service. Since 2011, I was blessed to play the piano in Wednesday Service and work as a Levite worker. In late January in 2013, I suddenly received a phone call from my father. He said he had later 3rd stage of a bile duct cancer and it was out of hand. I was so sorry for him because I knew that he would not be saved if he died in that way. So, I offered up three-day fasting and vowed prayer and then, I received Senior Pastor Dr. Jaerock Lee's prayer. I repented my father's idol-worshipping on his behalf and asked God to save my poor father in prayer. I also repented thoroughly that I had not loved him with my heart. On March 2, 2013, I gave him Dr. Lee's autobiography My Life My Faith I & II with my heartfelt letter. "My beloved father, I was thankful to you who tried hard to raise us well and I wanted to be your strength, so I studied hard. Meantime, I encountered this church of life when I was a high school student. I felt so happy because Senior Pastor Dr. Jaerock Lee taught me true value in life and to lead a life of goodness. Even when I was in pain after being beaten by you, he told me to love you more because you had done so since you do not know God. So, I could love you and understand you without hatred towards you. I want you to read the books and accept the Lord and go to Heaven."
"I am so happy to go to Heaven! I owe a lot!"
A few days later, my father called me and said crying, "I am sorry. I am so sorry. I am a great sinner to you, your brothers, and your mother. I was touched by many stories in Dr. Lee's autobiography. He is a wonderful pastor!" I felt that God was working on him, so I brought him to Seoul without any delay. And I asked pastors to visit him and we offered up visitation services. When the pastors preached the Word of God, my father received grace saying "Amen!" On March 31, 2013, my father registered in Manmin Central Church and a few days later he met Dr. Lee and received his prayer. On April 14, I had a dream where my father repented that he had judged and condemned Dr. Lee in the past. Next day, he asked me to give a certain amount of tithe though nobody taught him to do so. I quickly prepared it and gave it to God. At that time, my father was in the ward for people with the late stage cancer. He said he did not want to stay in there because there were messengers of Hell crowded. It was that his spiritual eyes were opened and saw them. On April 21, 2013, my father's state became extremely serious, and he passed away as though he had fallen asleep, saying, "I am so happy because I will go to Heaven. I miss Dr. Lee. I owe you a lot." On the doorstep of death, my father could be moved to Heaven in the great grace of God and Dr. Lee's intercession of love. I give all thanks and glory to God.