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I was healed of acute cerebral infarction and acute myocardial infarction!
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On September 3, 2024, I came across a minor collision on the way to work. When I got to the office and drank water, my hands were shaking and I could not keep my balance. I was sent to the emergency room and the examination results showed that I had an acute cerebral infarction, which was serious. The doctor advised me to go to a larger hospital. ...

"I am delighted to meet the spiritual leader who has love for Israel"

Manmin News   No. 340
June 23, 2013

From left, Pastor Oleg Hazin, his wife Olga Hazin, Rita Hazin, and Mark Hazin

Sister Rita Hazin (Ashdod Manmin Church, Israel)

I am a Ukrainian Jew. I did not know God well and I was disdained and despised all my life. But through my son I learned about God and about the Lord. One day, my son told me that he wanted to conduct a ministry in God's promised land, Israel!
It shocked my husband and me. Without any experience, my son wanted to move to a place where people speak in a different language from ours! I was so concerned about him. But we did not have any way to stop him.
In 1991, my son eventually left for Israel. While living in disappointment and in absent-mindedness, my son's words suddenly flashed though my mind. "Mom, all kinds of fear come from disbelief. Why don't you read the Bible?" For the very first time in my life, I knelt down and prayed. "Lord! I want to meet You. Please give me faith. I commit my son to You, Lord!"
From then on, I read the Bible and realized something really striking. It was that Jews like me are God's elect and God sent His only begotten Son, Jesus to the earth to save mankind. The Word of God became bread of life that provides me with life and gave me true peace.
In December, 1991, after the Soviet Union collapsed and many countries opened their door in the international community. Then, many people left their home countries and immigrated to other countries. In Ukraine, crime was ever increasing, which made it hard for us to stay there. In 1997, we ended up moving to Israel where my son lived. In 1998, my family started a church in my house in Ashdod. But it was really tough to lead our lives in Israel. Pastor Oleg Hazin, my son, had to work to make a living so he could not focus completely on his ministry. I was so sorry to see him. We had an earnest desire to meet a spiritual leader whom we can follow in the will of God and be dedicated to souls' salvation.
In the meantime, in 2007, we met Rev. Dr. Jaerock Lee who visited Israel to conduct his ministry. We witnessed many healing works and powerful works manifested by his prayer and listened to his message full of life. Observing it, we arrived at the realization that he is the spiritual leader we had been looking for. He encouraged Israeli pastors with love, prayer, and financial support. Through his support the Israeli Pastors' Association was organized under the name of Crystal Forum in 2008.
In September, 2009, we even hosted Dr. Jaerock Lee's Israel United Crusade at the International Convention Center in Jerusalem. In Jerusalem, the capital city of Israel, he boldly proclaimed that Jesus is our only Savior and performed amazingly powerful works of God. Many people were healed of cancer, arthritis, and diabetes. People threw away wheelchairs and glasses. Many powerful works that occurred in the crusade glorified God greatly. It was an unforgettable moment filled with emotion for us.
From that time on, the Israeli Christian ministry took a reverse in the flow compared to that of the past. Pastors have become actively involved in their ministries and Messianic Jews, who had been treated as an alienated minority group in Israel, praised God in outdoor places and lead happy Christian lives in the faith the Lord had given to them.
I am a 67 year-old woman, but with passion for souls' salvation I am studying God's Word by taking the courses offered by Manmin International Seminary (MIS). I placed Dr. Lee's books such as The Message of the Cross, Heaven I & II, and The Measure of Faith on my desk and preach the messages in our cell group service. When I pray recalling my realization that I gained through the books, the Spirit has helped me to stand firmly on the truth.
I give all thanks and glory to God who let me know Jesus Christ the Savior. I extend my heartfelt thanks to Dr. Jaerock Lee who is leading Israel with his precious message.

Dr. Jaerock Lee's Israel United Crusade 2009




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Manmin News, Manmin, Manmin Church, Manmin Central Church, Jaerock Lee, Jaerock, drLee