My life overflows with joy as I've lived only by God's Word.
 17038 |
May 21, 2007 |
~ Deacon Kyung-joon Paik (Sub-district Leader, 2-1 Men's Mission; Division Leader @ Bang-bae dong Branch, Kukmin Bank)
During my youth, I grew up as a bright student with great interest and expectations. When my father collapsed suddenly from hypertension and as my mother had to look after the family, I had no choice but give up my plans to go to college. After graduating from high school in 1986, I began working at a bank and helping out in the family. I enrolled at a night school and spent much of my late twenties and early thirties
Coming across the messages of life amidst spiritual thirst
Then I met and married my wife Deaconess Jung-sook Ahn and began a life in Christ but without any conviction of salvation, I was suffering from extreme spiritual thirst. At the introduction of my sister Deaconess Jung-soon Ahn, I attended "The Special Two-week Revival Meeting with Dr. Jaerock Lee" in May 1997 and after receiving grace from the Meeting, I started visiting Manmin Joong-ang Church every week for Friday All-night Service as well as Sunday Morning and Evening Services. I can say without any hesitation that I had never heard the kind of life-filled and empowering messages such as those proclaimed by Dr. Jaerock Lee on "The Message of the Cross," "Lectures on 'The Book of John,'" and "Lectures on Proverbs." Dr. Lee's messages on heaven unraveled and answered for me all the mysterious questions I had previously had. As I purchased Dr. Lee's books and messages on cassette tapes, I became certain that Manmin was the church I had been looking for. I joined it in November 1997.
Cultivating faithfulness in love for God
While diligently serving the church as members of the church's Bank Mission & Finance Committee, a Korean broadcasting company aired a biased report on Manmin Joong-ang Church. To spread the truth, I distributed copies of Manmin News and other Christian newspapers to passers-by on busy streets and passengers on subways during rush hours. To set myself as an example and to emanate the aroma of Christ, I came to work earlier than my workers to tidy up the office, made sure I greeted my colleagues first, and always spoke politely to them. When new employees had difficulty in getting their tasks done, I willingly volunteered to help them out. Even in dealing with the most difficult of customers, I always made sure to smile and assisted and served them from the depths of my heart. God saw my deeds and blessed me at work and at home accordingly.
Overflowing joy
When mergers and reorganization brought about the threat of honorary retirement regardless of the duties, I never once received a notice of dismissal. During seasons in which I had to sell a variety of financial products and services, I began each season by receiving prayer from the Senior Pastor and God blessed me to have an outstanding showing. On one occasion, even though it did not involve my client, I assisted a customer swiftly and accurately. Afterwards, God led the customer, who said she had taken notice of my polite and speedy service, to deposit through me a large amount of money, which in turn led the branch as a whole to receive a very nice incentive. On account of this, at the end of Year 2006 our branch placed first in overall achievements at the Headquarters of the Kukmin Bank Southern Region and I was personally given the Meritorious Award in the Trust Category. Two years ago, I was sent abroad for extensive studies and last year, I was rewarded one more chance for extensive studies under the support of the Korea Federation of Banks. As God has also blessed my family, my son Gwang-lim and his younger sister Hye-soo share a very close relationship, are commended by their teachers at school, and loved by their peers while my wife Deaconess Jung-sook Ahn is accomplishing God's kingdom and His righteousness as she prays fervently for the church and the Senior Pastor. For all of these, I could not be more grateful. I give all thanks and glory to God and our Lord Jesus Christ and express my gratitude to Senior Pastor for being a guide in my Christian life with his messages.