One day in March 2024, I suddenly hurt my lower back on both sides, and since then I had not been able to walk properly. I went to an orthopedic clinic and was diagnosed with a herniated disc. ...
"My mother recovered her eyesight while watching the summer retreat on GCN TV"
I was attending the seminar of Manmin Summer Retreat on August 5 in 2013 when I received an unexpected phone call. It was my mother. 'Why would she be calling me at this hour?' The concern over my mother who lived alone in countryside flashed across my mind and I got nervous for a moment. But her voice on the line was bright, which caused me to feel relief. "Sweetie! I have been watching the retreat via GCN TV as you told me. All of a sudden, I could see what I was watching more and more clearly. I am calling because I am so surprised." My mother had poor eyesight due to complications of diabetes that had been troubling her for 20 years. She even had an operation for cataracts three years ago. Even afterwards though, things looked blurry to her, so she got shots for nutrient supplements every six months. But she recovered her eyesight while watching a large number of people being healed by Dr. Jaerock Lee's prayer and listening to their testimonies. Hallelujah! Dr. Lee said that God would work transcending space and time for those who watched the summer retreat via GCN TV. I was so moved by the fact that it was my mother who received such a blessing. My mother, who had been attending another church, became a GCN TV ( lover. She felt happy watching it from early morning to late night. I give all thanks and glory to God who works on us transcending space and time.