Manmin News, Manmin, Manmin Central Church, drLee, jae-rock Lee

I was healed of acute cerebral infarction and acute myocardial infarction!
New Update
On September 3, 2024, I came across a minor collision on the way to work. When I got to the office and drank water, my hands were shaking and I could not keep my balance. I was sent to the emergency room and the examination results showed that I had an acute cerebral infarction, which was serious. The doctor advised me to go to a larger hospital. ...

I who was a 'Prodigal Son' want to give my youth to the Lord!

Manmin News   No. 353
September 22, 2013

Brother Taemen Seo (4th Young Adults' Mission)

My name is Taemen, which carries a special meaning. 'Tae' is the first letter of the first verse of the first chapter of Genesis in Korean. It means, "In the beginning." And the 'men' is the last syllable of the last verse of the last chapter of Revelation, which is Revelation 22:21.
Though one might say I was a born as a Christian, I lived a life that had nothing to do with a Christian life for a long time. I watched obscene materials from the time I was in the 11th grade. After entering college, I was immersed in alcohol, girls, and games. Was it a natural outcome of sinfulness? I came to suffer from atopic dermatitis covering my whole body beginning in 2005 when I was enlisted in the army. It troubled me for seven years. To make matters worse, my right cartilaginous plate was damaged and sank. From then, the knee axis was set awry when I got up. So my legs became numb and I was in great pain before it was about to rain.

I received the grace of thorough repentance of having indulged in sins and lusts

The symptom of arrhythmia in particular had worsened, so my heart beats were fast as though I just sprinted. I thought I would die in this way. I took medicines for it, but the side effects followed; rashes covered my whole body. I took steroids at this time to relieve the rashes. But now the atopic dermatitis broke out and spread to my whole body. I was like a monster in the mirror.
At the right time, my Guidance Pastor Myoungsuk Ki visited me and advised me to attend Manmin Summer Retreat. And she asked me to listen to Dr. Jaerock Lee's sermon "The Message of the Cross" before the going. I was poor in spirit, so I deleted the worldly music in my MP3 player and put the sermons in it. Now the messages touched my heart and it was great grace to me.
On the first day of Summer Retreat in August of 2012, Pastor Soojin Lee, President of Pastors' Association preached the message. Through it, I realized that my life was full of the worldly pleasure and I should never have done such things I had done in my past. After the message, she led prayer. During the prayer, tears streamed from my eyes and my nose was runny. I kept saying to God, "I am sorry. Forgive me."
After the retreat, I deleted all pornographic materials and games in my computer. I also attended every kind of service and started to pray in Daniel Prayer Meeting every night.

After I was healed of all my diseases and experienced the love of God …

A while later, God showed His amazing love to me. For around a week, I felt like a fan worked in my body and I felt heat coming out from my body. Then, the atopic dermatitis that troubled me for seven years was gone! I had not been able to kneel down due to the cartilaginous plate damage, but I came to pray on bended knees. Then, the pain also disappeared at some point without me knowing when. Even the symptom of arrhythmia was also gone! Hallelujah!
I received a prize through casting lots in the Award Ceremony of the two-session consecutive Special Daniel Prayer Meeting held in early 2013, which allowed me to experience the love of God again. Listening to Pastor Hessun Lee's testimony of her visiting Hell, I shed a lot of tears for the love and grace of God the Father who found and met me who was going to Hell.
During 2013 Manmin Summer Retreat, I had several opportunities to see Dr. Lee at quite close distances because I volunteered as a photographer for the church blog 'm-story'. When people who were healed of their diseases by his prayer testified to their healing, he smiled brightly and felt happy. He was trying his best to help the church members resemble the Lord. His great and deep love moved my heart.
If someone asks me when the happiest period in my 30-year life is, I will say without hesitation, "It is this year as it is passing when I came to lead a true Christian life."
From now on, I want to live for the glory of God and produce media contents that lead countless souls to the way of salvation with my ability to produce images. I give all thanks and glory to God who gave me a new life.




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Manmin News, Manmin, Manmin Church, Manmin Central Church, Jaerock Lee, Jaerock, drLee