Manmin News, Manmin, Manmin Central Church, drLee, jae-rock Lee

I was healed of acute cerebral infarction and acute myocardial infarction!
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On September 3, 2024, I came across a minor collision on the way to work. When I got to the office and drank water, my hands were shaking and I could not keep my balance. I was sent to the emergency room and the examination results showed that I had an acute cerebral infarction, which was serious. The doctor advised me to go to a larger hospital. ...

"I found the greatest happiness in Manmin Central Church"

Manmin News   No. 358
October 27, 2013

Let's look at some of the testimonies of people who visited Manmin to celebrate the Church's 31st Anniversary.

I learned how a shepherd should love the flock_ Rev. Jeeva Solomon Raj, Senior Pastor of All Nations Church in Sri Lanka

Owing to my conversion from Hinduism to Christianity, I found myself more enthusiastic about spreading the gospel to idol worshippers. A friend of mine, Pastor Nishan Cooray, introduced Manmin Central Church to me and from that time on I have been receiving great grace through the authoritative messages of Dr. Jaerock Lee who clearly and spiritually explains about the Word of God from Genesis to Revelation.
Though my visit to Manmin was short, I realized how a shepherd should love the flock and serve them. Dr. Jaerock Lee's love for souls and his humbleness moved my heart greatly. He was leading each of the church members with love. They also felt his love and followed him with their hearts.
I was also impressed by the bright and clean sanctuary and the church members who worship in spirit and truth, pray unceasingly, and strive to become sanctified. Surprisingly, when I visited the Muan Sweet Water Site where the sea salty water was changed into sweet water by the power of God, I even experienced God's healing work on the arthritis in my knees. Because of the pain in my knees I could kneel down, but I now have no problem at all on my knees. Hallelujah!

The celebration performance excited me!_ Dr. Lyubka Tancheva, Professor at the Institute of Neurobiology at the Bulgarian Academy of Sciences

The Christian lives of Manmin members amazed me. They are living solely according to the Bible so their faith is the best of all. I think that their living like this stems from the correctness of the teaching of the Word of God by Dr. Jaerock Lee.
What impressed me the most is that there are respect, service and love between Dr. Lee and the members of the church. I was also moved that even with a very busy schedule Dr. Lee met with us and served each one of us with generosity and humbleness.
The church's anniversary celebration performance was very exciting. It was interesting and done very professionally. The spiritual quality was quite outstanding and the Spirit moved my heart a lot. The young performers' fervor and dedication for glory of God also touched my heart. The performance was not produced through human imagination, but with God-given contents so it was rendered in the great love of God.

Through the church members I saw what a holy life is like_ Dr. Anel Guadarrama Perez, Mexican pediatric surgeon

I attended the Kenya International Christian Medical Conference that was held in Nairobi, Kenya and hosted by the World Christian Doctors Network. I was moved by the cases of the healing done through the works of the Spirit. Since then, I have received grace listening to Dr. Jaerock Lee's sermons via the Internet. I visited the Manmin Central Church this time to learn what a holy life is like through firsthand experience. I was able to feel and learn about a sanctified life while observing the members in worship services, in prayer, and in sensing the mindset, attitude, and acts of service and consideration.
I felt like I were in Heaven while watching the 31st Church Anniversary Celebration Performance. The lighting, wardrobe, and props added to the heavenly-like beauty and evoked hope for Heaven. When I saw the powerful works manifested through Muan Sweet Water and the aquarium where seawater fish and freshwater fish live together, I was given faith with which everything is possible if God is with me.
It was amazing to see Daniel Prayer Meeting held every night and the Friday All-night Service. I was moved to admiration by the thousands of church members who pray and offer up this service from late night and until dawn. I am doing volunteer medical service in my church. I am now overwhelmed with joy thinking about spreading the holiness gospel full of faith, hope, and love to my church members!

The holiness gospel changes the hill tribe of the Lahu people_ Pastor Nananikom Kaseng, Niran Manmin Church in Thailand

I came to learn about Manmin's ministry through Pastor Woraphon in Chai Prakan Manmin Church in Thailand. After that I was given opportunities to translate Dr. Jaerock Lee's books The Message of the Cross, Heaven I & II, and Hell into the Lahu people's language. The books reveal the secrets in the Word of God and explain about them in an understandable way, so I was greatly moved during the translation work.
I would like to deliver the holiness gospel to Myanmarese and Lahu people in Laos. Several Lahu people who crossed the national boundary happened to get a copy of The Message of the Cross and read it. They received a lot of grace. From this I was asked to lead seminars by many of the Lahu people and preached the holiness gospel.
I hold a prayer meeting every night and teach the holiness gospel to believers during worship services. They are trying hard to live by the Word of God and our services, praises, and prayers are filled with fullness of the Holy Spirit. They used to go to shamans when they were sick but now they stopped going to them and they no longer even take medicines. They have been healed with faith.
I give heartfelt thanks to Dr. Lee who has led us to possess true faith through the precious messages of life. I desire to translate all Dr. Lee's books into Lahu language and deliver them to Lahu people in Thailand, Myanmar, and Laos.




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Manmin News, Manmin, Manmin Church, Manmin Central Church, Jaerock Lee, Jaerock, drLee