Manmin News, Manmin, Manmin Central Church, drLee, jae-rock Lee

“What happened? You’re walking well. You must have bene healed!”
New Update
One day in March 2024, I suddenly hurt my lower back on both sides, and since then I had not been able to walk properly. I went to an orthopedic clinic and was diagnosed with a herniated disc. ...

"The best apples produced were because of Muan Sweet Water"

Manmin News   No. 367
December 29, 2013

Sister Chitose Miyashita (aged 43, Ida Manmin Church in Japan)

I have attended Ida Manmin Church since March 2013. I realized how important it is to live by the Word of God through Dr. Jaerock Lee's sermons. I led my Christian life in the Word with an obedient heart, and I experienced the delicate love and touch of God.
It happened in October, 2013. I was managing my orchard of apple trees. When it was time to spray agricultural pesticides, a typhoon was about to hit the area where I lived. But I prayed and sprayed the Muan water about. Whenever I did it, God shielded the wind. In particular, during this 2013 typhoon season it struck this area many times, so many fruits in other orchards around mine fell but ours didn't.
But that was not all, I also experienced the love and power of God through Muan Sweet Water that was changed from salty seawater through Dr. Lee's prayer again (Exodus 15:25).
Pastor Seunggil Ryu came from a visit to South Korea and gave me a bottle of Muan Sweet Water. I put it in the pesticide and sprayed it on my apple trees. Then, even apples in shady spots were ripen well and tasted very good. Compared to other apples in nearby orchards, mine were the best product in the size, color, and sugar content.
I am just amazed by God's amazing love and power. Hallelujah!




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Manmin News, Manmin, Manmin Church, Manmin Central Church, Jaerock Lee, Jaerock, drLee