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"Israel Ministry Is Not Hard Now"

Manmin News   No. 391
June 15, 2014

Pastor Sergey Vocharnikov (Nazareth Living Spirit Church in Israel)

I am a Jew who was born in Ukraine. My family moved to Russia, where I met my wife and accepted the Lord. My wife's family members were Messianic Jews and my father-in-law was a pastor. In 1989, my wife, her family and I moved to Haifa in Israel and started the mission work.

In early 1990, when the former Soviet Union opened, many Jews in Russia moved to Israel and we tried hard to evangelize them. I became a pastor in 1994 and started my ministry in Nazareth where Jesus grew up. But it was not easy to preach the gospel in Israel where people believe in Judaism.

The Crystal Forum was founded for the unity of Israeli pastors

One day in 2004, I received a phone call from Pastor Alexander Yepp in Germany. He was chairman of Organizing Committee of Dr. Jaerock Lee's Germany United Crusade 2004. He urged me to attend the crusade saying that a well-known revivalist would come. I couldn't make it so my assistant pastor attended and he delivered the life-filled message of Dr. Lee and amazing powerful works that had unfolded there to me.

When I heard about the fiery works of the Spirit, it moved my heart deeply. Although it had been ten years since I opened the church then, I was still experiencing difficulties due to finances and persecution by Jews. But Dr. Lee's ministry caused me to have a new vision for preaching the gospel in Israel.

In October 2005, I paid a visit to Seoul to attend Manmin Central Church's 23rd Anniversary event. The Performing Arts Committee's performance reminded me of Heaven. Above all, I realized that Dr. Lee's messages and the Daniel Prayer Meeting that was held every night were driving forces for the church's revival.

I was assured that I had received an answer to my prayer in which, for a long time, I had wanted to meet a spiritual mentor and evangelize Israel. So I had my church registered as Manmin's branch church. Afterwards, I attended Dr. Lee's united crusades in DR Congo and New York in U.S. in 2006. I witnessed many people were healed of their diseases and received answers and glorified God. I was touched by them.

From July 2007, Dr. Jaerock Lee preached the holiness gospel and the works of power 12 times for 3 years from Nazareth in North to Eilot in South. In particular, on July 25 in 2007, he began his Israeli ministry by holding the first meeting in my church, Nazareth Living Spirit Church, which moved my heart deeply.

His 3-year ministry encouraged Messianic Jews in Israel. As its fruit, Israeli pastors organized Crystal Forum (Israeli Pastors' Association) in a sense of unity.

Jesus Christ was proclaimed in Dr. Jaerock Lee's Israel United Crusade

In September 2009, Dr. Jaerock Lee conducted the Israel United Crusade at the International Convention Center in Jerusalem, which is the center of Israel. The crusade was broadcast in approximately 220 countries via 33 broadcasters. Dr. Lee boldly proclaimed about God the Creator and Jesus Christ. In fact, a number of foreign pastors preached in Israel but there had been no pastor who clearly taught about why Jesus is our only Savior and its spiritual meaning. But, Dr. Lee preached about it even to Jews and confirmed the authenticity of the works in the Bible by showing powerful works.

Israel is the birthplace of the gospel but its people have not accepted Jesus Christ as their Savior. The very few Messianic Jews were ostracized in the society and were discouraged. But after the crusade, Messianic Jews became energetic and have performed active ministry with Crystal Forum at the center.

Many pastors here have received great grace from both his sermons and Dr. Lee's ministry of sanctification. Since I've come to realize what a sanctified life is, I have tried to cast away sins, even in heart and thoughts, and I taught my church members to do so.

Dr. Jaerock Lee's Israel United Crusade 2009 was held in the ICC Jerusalem, the center of Israel. He preached the message and showed the works of power with his prayer for the sick, which glorified God.
The crusade was broadcast in more than 220 countries via public TV, cable TV stations, and satellite, which caused countless people to receive salvation, answers, and healing.

Many pastors visited Israel from other countries because it is the holy land where Jesus was born. When they saw us preaching the gospel under hardship in this country of Judaism, they said they would help us, but I met no one who kept the promise.

However, Dr. Jaerock Lee has taught us the providence of God in which the gospel returns to Israel, 'the remotest part of the earth' and he continued to give us financial and spiritual support without sparing. So Israeli pastors also boldly preached the gospel and conducted many overseas crusades with the handkerchief on which Dr. Lee had prayed (Acts 19:11-12).

I also lead crusades with the handkerchief every year in India. I experienced powerful works such as infertility being healed and alcoholic patients becoming normal. I give all thanks and glory to God who has achieved the providence of the end time through Dr. Jaerock Lee.




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Manmin News, Manmin, Manmin Church, Manmin Central Church, Jaerock Lee, Jaerock, drLee