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“What happened? You’re walking well. You must have bene healed!”
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The Work of Power_"When I show faith, God removed even the root of melanoma"

Manmin News   No. 391
June 15, 2014

Deaconess Okju Jeon, aged 50, 3-32 Parish in South Korea

My little toe hurt in November 2013, so I got an operation to fix up the toe. In the meantime, I found out a round and little spot on my sole. But I had no pain so I didn't consider it serious.

One day, I found out again a strange thing on my sole. The spot turned dark and big. My husband said about the possibility of melanoma (skin cancer which is dark tumor in skin cells), saying he had seen it on the Internet.

On January 20 2014, I had a biopsy in a cancer-specialized hospital. I heard that the result would come out two weeks after then. My parish members helped me with one-week-vowed prayer for my healing.

Though I didn't know what disease I had exactly, I thoroughly repented of my past days because I knew that diseases come from sins. On January 29, I received Dr. Jaerock Lee's prayer after preparation with faith and heart.

Later the hospital gave me the biopsy result. I had melanoma passing the early stage and it had roots. But I was sure that I would be healed because I had received Dr. Lee's prayer. I didn't lose heart and tried hard to practice the Word of God with joy and thanks to please God. And I received the prayer for the sick every worship service. Then, I heard good news.

On February 27, I had a tumor removal surgery and another biopsy. It showed that no root of melanoma was found. On April 23, the sonogram test revealed that there was no tumor transferred into other body parts. Hallelujah!

I give all thanks and glory to God who let me experience His love and power.




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Manmin News, Manmin, Manmin Church, Manmin Central Church, Jaerock Lee, Jaerock, drLee