On September 3, 2024, I came across a minor collision on the way to work. When I got to the office and drank water, my hands were shaking and I could not keep my balance. I was sent to the emergency room and the examination results showed that I had an acute cerebral infarction, which was serious. The doctor advised me to go to a larger hospital. ...
A letter from abroad_"We were blessed in Pastor Taesik Gil's Seminar for Pastors and the Miracle Healing Crusade"
Rev. Aziz Morgan, Chairperson of Pentecostal Churches of Egypt
Dear Dr. Jaerock Lee Thank you for your support to my church in Egypt. We think of Manmin Central Church in Korea as our mother church. We have been longing for you to manifest powerful works here in Egypt as well. Just as the Israelites followed Moses trusting in him as their leader of faith, we trust you as well.
In December, 2014, we had Pastors' Seminars and Miracle Healing Crusades with Pastor Taesik Gil. The attendees were greatly blessed. In the seminar, Pastor Gil preached a message on why Jesus is the only Savior that was excerpted from "The Message of the Cross". After listening to it, a Muslim named Mouhamad Abed Elkader said, "It was my first time to hear about Jesus the Savior. Muslims say Jesus was one of the prophets but through today's message I learned that Jesus is the only begotten Son of God and the Savior who came to save us. I set my feet in the way of salvation for the first time. I want to proclaim Jesus Christ is my only Savior!"
When Pastor Gil prayed for the sick with the handkerchief on which Dr. Jaerock Lee had prayed (ref: Acts 19:11-12), many people were set free from their diseases. Alishaa was healed of gastritis, Pastor Magdy, of diabetes, Gerges Ayad, of slipped disc, Hanan Ezat and Thouria Azez, of arthritis, Saniora Samy, of hepatitis, Azeza Hana, of cardiac disease, Samya Samer, of neuritis, and Moufeeda Megally, of myopia. Hallelujah!
In Pastors' Seminars and Miracle Healing Crusades in Egypt with Pastor Taesik Gil, many people were healed of their diseases through handkerchief prayer and converted to Christianity.