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“What happened? You’re walking well. You must have bene healed!”
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"Since Being Freed from Video Game Addiction, I Am Living with A Feeling of Life's True Value"

Manmin News   No. 427
February 22, 2015

Sister Yoko Hayashi, age 24, Tabata Manmin Church, Tokyo, Japan

Sister Yoko Hayashi, studying languages to spread the holiness gospel to many souls who are living in darkness as she used to be

In 2008, I heard about Senior Pastor Dr. Jaerock Lee from my mother and attended the church nearby. But I still liked worldly pleasure and enjoyed playing computer games and surfing the Internet. I was complacent thinking I may be able to be saved and enter Paradise. So I was lazy in managing my believing life.
I kept on exposing myself to violent or sensual images or videos. I often drank alcohol. I was affected by mentally unhealthy materials and animations on the internet, so my attitude was unstable and negative. I knew it should never be going as it was, but there was nothing I knew that I could do about it.
When I was younger, I didn't open my heart to my parents, and I had few friends. Meantime, I confined myself in a negative framework of myself. And I was antagonistic toward other people. I was a cold person. I thought the online games were my only shelter. I felt too anxious to keep calm thinking I would have no place to be without the games.
In March, 2011, a major earthquake with a magnitude 9.0 occurred off the coast of Tohoku region of Japan, in the north-western Pacific Ocean. It claimed many people's lives. I heard about and watched the incident through news articles and programs on TV and the Internet. It shocked me such that I couldn't sleep for several days.
'Such many people's lives ended at a single moment. Life is vain, indeed', I thought. I thought about where the people were now, and then I began sobbing and crying because I did know about Heaven and Hell and the holiness gospel and I didn't spread the good news to people.
Then I had a dream while sleeping. Senior Pastor appeared in the dream. He was sitting and watching the computer monitor and then he came over to me where I was lying down. He stroked my hair and said, "It's still early. You can rest a little more."
In the dream, I felt his gentle and warm heart and I was very happy. I finally made up my mind not to live in the way I had lived. I deleted the games and animations in my computer. I tried to pray at least for a minute every day and to read a chapter of the Bible daily. During worship services, I listened attentively to the sermons, took notes, and prayed about them.
In March 2013, I started to attend Tabata Manmin Church in Tokyo. I have led a happy Christian life with the help of Pastor Kyungtae Chung and the church members. I wait for the Lord's Day even during weekdays. I pray in Daniel Prayer Meeting every night and become filled with the Holy Spirit.
I was also given hope to accomplish the world mission with the shepherd so I am studying linguistics in the graduate school. I am also studying Chinese, English, and Korean. I've read almost all Senior Pastor's books in Japanese and Chinese because I have longed for his spiritual messages. I am a leader of Shining Praise Team and administrator of Young Adults' Mission. I am also in charge of publishing newsletter of our mission. I am so grateful.
I give all thanks and glory to God and the Lord who allowed me to realize the true value of life and live with hope for New Jerusalem.




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Manmin News, Manmin, Manmin Church, Manmin Central Church, Jaerock Lee, Jaerock, drLee