"By God's Power, I Became Renewed and Received Blessing"
 15325 |
April 26, 2015 |

Elder Jongtae Choi, age 59, Parish 8, South Korea
In the front of his business 'Tailored Homme' with Senior Deaconess Hyesoon Cheong his wife and Deacon Kangeun Choi his son
In 1985, I got married and started an apparel business. But I did not attend to my business, and enjoyed dancing. I went to dance clubs at 9 P.M. every night. I even went to dance clubs in other areas and enjoyed dancing. In the end, my business failed.
In July 1987, I let my wife and son go to Manmin Central Church since I thought a church is a good place, though I did not have faith. My wife diligently led her Christian life, but I attended only Sunday Morning Service and then enjoyed myself in racecourses and billiard halls and went home after midnight.
I often argued with my wife. With anger, I threw the phone, or when she did not open the door, I broke the windows and entered. Meantime, my wife offered up special prayer for 15 days with fasting. Then she totally changed. When I started an argument, when I came home late at night, and when conflicts occurred, she did not argue. It was amazing, but my life did not change.
In September 1989, I had taken oriental medicine for about four months due to neurological gastritis. There was no improvement. I felt something like a hard stone as big as a ping-pong ball in the middle of my abdomen. I sometimes fainted because of stomachache. However, I was healed of it after receiving Senior Pastor Dr. Jaerock Lee's prayer. I even could quit drinking alcohol and smoking.
It was the beginning of my Christian life. I threw away trot albums (a genre of Korean pop music) I had enjoyed, and began listening to sermons and praises in my car. I diligently spread the gospel and evangelized people. My family saw me become renewed and quit drinking alcohol and smoking after I believed in God. When my father saw my (his first son's) renewal and my peaceful family, he allowed me to replace ancestral rites with a remembrance service.
In August 1999, Manmin Men's and Women's Mission's Summer Retreat was held in Chungwoon Training Center in Gyeonggi Province. On the second day, we arrived at the playing field to have a Sports Day. No cloud and no wind were there, but only the scorching sun awaited us.
However, when Senior Pastor arrived and prayed for the event and the weather, clouds suddenly came from all directions and covered the sun. We enjoyed the Sports Day in much cooler weather. It was a good opportunity for me to have faith, and from then I began working for God's kingdom.
I was ordained as elder in 2000, and elected as President of the Businessmen's Association and Army Ministry Association. From 2005, I worked as a President of Male District Leaders' Association for eight years. I thought I was doing well.
In June 2011, during the Friday All-night Service, Senior Pastor said, "There is one who hasn't yet cast away hot temper among presidents of District, Sub-district, and Cell Leaders' Associations." Thankfully I knew it was me, so I thoroughly repented before God. Next day, it was Sunday. In the morning, I went to Senior Pastor and repented. And I repented before district leaders with tears, and I knelt down before Senior Deaconess Hyesoon Cheong my wife and repented.
In Daniel Prayer Meeting, I realized that there had been many people who had hard times because of me. I repented that I had insisted on my opinion in my self-righteousness and framework and I had felt offended when people did not listen to me. I also offered up special prayer and fasted for a meal, a day for three days. I prayed with tears. Meantime, God gave me tremendous grace and blessed me to feel His great love.
Finally, in April 2014, I achieved the beautiful heart of spirit. As the head of family was renewed, all my family members feel happy. I have also received a lot of blessing in my tailor's shop "Tailored Homme". I give all thanks and glory to God who lets me, who was nothing, have hope for New Jerusalem and enjoy great blessings both in spirit and body.