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Manmin News   No. 458
September 27, 2015

Brother Dan Okoth, age 34, Nairobi Manmin Holiness Church, Kenya

In May 2013, I attended the Umoja Crusade led by Bishop Dr. Myeongho Cheong and registered in Nairobi Manmin Holiness Church, Kenya with my family.

But until 2014, I still had an adulterous mind and anger. Though I received grace from the sermons, I still lived as I had before, against the Word of God.

On January 1 in 2015, Dr. Cheong told me about the importance of keeping the Sabbath and giving the full tithe. From then my believing life started to change. The following week, he advised me to evangelize my neighbors, since I had good relationships with them.

I had never spread the gospel, but I wanted to obey and thought that I needed God's help to evangelize them. So, I prayed earnestly and studied the Bible. And I kept the Sabbath, and gave the tithe. Dr. Cheong prayed for me and let me know how to evangelize people. I started to guide them one by one to the church.

I gave tea or some refreshments to customers who visited my drugstore, and invited my neighbors to my place and had a great time. Meantime, I talked to them about the amazing works of God who blessed me and gave answers. I also formed a group and we visited households in need, helped them, and delivered the Word of God.

My wife also invited many neighbors and shared the grace she had received. Through this, we could guide them to the church every Sunday and they have met and experienced the living God.

A sister was about to get divorced because her husband was alcoholic and away from the home. But after she received Dr. Cheong's prayer, he came back home and stopped drinking alcohol. He is attending the church together with her and evangelizing others. Another sister had a problem because her husband was unemployed. But after she received Dr. Cheong's prayer, he got a job and she also started up her own business. They are enjoying blessings.

I have guided 50 people over the last nine months. Now blessings are overflowing in my drugstore, and I feel very happy and eager to pray. And I am loved by many people.

Moreover, I was blessed to participate in Manmin Summer Retreat 2015 in early August as a prize for evangelizing many people. I witnessed the amazing works of God that were manifested through Senior Pastor Dr. Jaerock Lee and became filled with God's love and hope for Heaven.
I am diligently delivering the grace I received in Korea to people and spreading the gospel more happily. I was also given duties as a district leader and a leader in Men's Mission. While fulfilling the duties, I am delivering the Lord's love.

I give all thanks and glory to God who renewed me. And I give thanks to Senior Pastor who has shown the love of God through powerful works and Dr. Cheong who has guided me in the Word and by prayer.

Brother Dan Okot (middle) with people he has guided to the church




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Manmin News, Manmin, Manmin Church, Manmin Central Church, Jaerock Lee, Jaerock, drLee