"A Humble Person Is Exalted by the God of Love!"
 13168 |
October 18, 2015 |

Pastor Hyunju Kim, age 50, Pastor of Parish 31
My parents gave birth to a son and six daughters, and I am the fourth daughter. My family was a Christian family, so I saw my mother pray in the early morning prayer meeting as I was growing up. I studied English Language and Literature in Yonsei University and became an English teacher.
I experienced God's delicate love through my weak child
In May 1992, I got married to Elder Yeongsik Hong and we had a daughter. In 1996, I got pregnant again. I taught students in public school while I was raising my first child at the same time and overworked. Consequently, I delivered my second child prematurely in June 1997. I was in my seventh month of pregnancy.
When my son was born he weighed 1.3kg and he suffered brain damage during the delivery. He had to be placed in an incubator. Faced with human limits, I knelt down before God and started to offer up prayer in the Early Morning Prayer Meeting the day after delivery. "God, forgive me. I have lived only for myself. I have pursued the worldly success. I have not lived by the will of God."
Two months later, my younger sister, Senior Deaconess Hyunsuk Kim, gave me Dr. Jaerock Lee's testimonial memoir Tasting Eternal Life before Death. While I was reading it all night, I felt thrilled. I visited Manmin Central Church with hope for my son's healing.
In October 1997 my husband was supposed to take a training course in a postdoctoral course. We had to move to France with my sick child. My son did not grow up normally and he cried a lot in pain.
Our family returned to South Korea with him to attend Dr. Lee's Special Revival Meeting in May 1998. I received a lot of grace and repented of my past wrongdoings. Then I received Dr. Lee's prayer with my son. He stopped crying and did not seem to have pain any longer. His symptoms improved. The pupils of his eyes became bright and he became healthy. We experienced the power of God! We went back to France and my husband finished the course. In October 1998, we moved back to Korea and started to lead happy Christian lives in Manmin.
In January 1999, God blessed me to conceive another son. A month later, my first child started to lose energy little by little and went to Heaven. I was very sad at first, but I soon realized the providence and great love of God who had given us a new, healthy life.
I came to have stronger faith after the trial caused by a broadcasting station
In May 1999, I appeared on a Korean public TV though I did not intend to. When I was at the fifth month pregnancy, a woman called me. She said her nephew had cerebral palsy and she wanted him to be healed by attending Dr. Lee's Special Revival Meeting. She asked for some help.
A few days later she visited my house. She had a long face and carried a big bag. Because I wanted to evangelize her, I talked about what I had experienced and urged her to believe the powerful works manifested through Dr. Lee and attend the meeting. One day one of my acquaintances called me and said, "Turn on the TV! You are on it!" I realized that there was a hidden camera and I stood aghast.
I had said to the woman that my son was healed of his sickness by Dr. Lee's prayer and lived a healthy life. But because he was congenitally weak, God took him to Heaven and gave us a new life in His blessing. But the program deleted such things and distorted my testimony making it sound as though my child had died after the prayer.
My husband and I felt shocked and betrayed. I was interviewed illegally and unfairly. But we overcame it because there were my church members and especially my Senior Pastor who only acted with goodness, trusted God, and loved souls although they went through many difficulties without doing anything wrong.
In the end, the interview was proven improperly conducted, and God, who knew everything, opened the door to the world mission wide from 2000 for Manmin. The church could glorify God more greatly.
I am now following the way of the Lord in true happiness
I was grateful because this trial caused my self-formed frameworks of knowledge and arrogance to be destroyed. I started to rely on God in my life, and my attachment to the desire to enjoy what was considered to be the good things in the world was severed. I made up my mind to live only for the glory of God for the rest of my life. My heart leaned towards the everlasting hometown of Heaven.
I learned the will of God by reading The Message of the Cross; The Measure of Faith; Spirit, Soul, and Body; Heaven I & II; and Ten Commandments that are the books that contain priceless messages Dr. Lee had received from God by offering up innumerable fastings and prayer.
In 2001, my husband was hired as a researcher by a company in Daedeok Science Town. We attended Daejeon Manmin Church. Five years later, he was appointed as a professor in Department of Science Education in Seoul National University of Education. So, we were blessed to attend Manmin Central Church again.
In 2010, I entered Alliance Holiness Theological Seminary and now I am a pastor. Meantime, God who looks at hearts, blessed me to discover untruthful things deep in my heart and throw them away. It seemed that I pursued peace, but I judged others with thoughts. I made excuses for my faults and disobeyed. I threw them away. I humbled myself and even destroyed my self-righteousness, self-formed frameworks, arrogance, and self-esteem. In June 2015, I achieved the heart of spirit in God's blessing.
My daughter Haeun was admitted to Korea University after she received Dr. Lee's prayer. My son Daebeom, our God-given gift, works as a member of Choir and is a manager of his group.
I give all thanks and glory to God who came to me and guided me to the most blessed way.