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“What happened? You’re walking well. You must have bene healed!”
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"The Holiness Gospel Is the Key to Happiness"

Manmin News   No. 475
January 24, 2016

Senior Deaconess Eunyi Yang, age 54, Daejeon Manmin Church, South Korea

▲ Elder Daeyoung Park, Senior Deaconess Eunyi Yang, Brother Sunkyo Park

I was born into a Christian family but I had no hope for Heaven and had no assurance for salvation. In June 1988, I was working for a company in Seoul. An acquaintance from my hometown guided me to Manmin Central Church. When I listened to Dr. Jaerock Lee's sermon "The Measure of Faith", I came to have assurance of salvation and hope for Heaven.

The following year, I got married to Elder Daeyoung Park. I moved to Deajeon where he was working. But I was so thirsty spiritually that I moved again to Seoul. In August 1991, when Daejeon Manmin Church was established, I moved to Daejeon again and started a renewed Christian life. With joy that a branch church was set up there, I tried to do everything that I could do and became filled with the Holy Spirit.

When we got married, my husband's parents did not like us going to church. They said we believed in a religion from western culture that did not care about ancestors. They told us not to come to their house because my husband did not bow before ancestral rites.

During my son's 100th day anniversary party, an amazing thing happened. My mother-in-law put rice before him and put a spoon in the rice, saying he should greet a god that is said to govern childbirth in Korea. Right then, my son screamed, burst in tears and was deeply shaken. He did not stop crying no matter how hard we tried to calm him down. I said to my mother-in-law, "You did what God hates. Take the spoon out quickly. We will offer up a worship service to God."

She took the spoon out in fear, and right away my son stopped crying, which amazed us. Seeing this, she said she had almost lost her precious grandson. She told us to do for him as we wanted because he is God's. Since then we have not performed ancestral rites. My parents-in-law accepted the Lord. My brothers-in-law also registered in church and my family was evangelized.

In the meantime, we were faced with financial problems because my husband had taken out so many loans and invested the money in his business. Amid this difficulty, my father-in-law passed away and I had to take care of my mother-in-law who had become sick. While helping her just to go to the bathroom, I found out many evil things that I had not known about myself.

I tried to achieve the goodness of Ruth I had learned from Dr. Lee's sermon and served her with love from heart. In December 2012, my mother-in-law passed away and God allowed my husband to have a business and blessed him.

The greatest blessing is that God gave me grace that could renew my heart in the first half of 2015. I found that in performing my God-given duties, I had been doing only what I was able to do with my capacity. After I repented of this, I started to think in others' shoes and work in God's view.

By relying on God, I began doing something that looked difficult to do with my personality, and I even changed my thoughts into positive ones by relying on the power of the Holy Spirit. In December 2015 I was blessed to achieve the heart of spirit by the grace of God. Hallelujah!




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Manmin News, Manmin, Manmin Church, Manmin Central Church, Jaerock Lee, Jaerock, drLee