The Biblical Miracles Are Still Taking Place Today
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April 10, 2016 |
"The LORD bless you, and keep you; the LORD make His face shine on you, and be gracious to you; the LORD lift up His countenance on you, and give you peace" (Numbers 6:24-26). God wants to give His children only good things. Here are some of the testimonies from in and out of Korea.
"I Was Healed of Hemi-paralysis after I Shook Hands with Him!"
Brother Johan Edward Mamusung, age 66, Indonesia
In January 2013, in a morning I found I could not move my left arm. Over time I even could not move my left leg. I went to hospital and they said that I had a stroke which caused hemi-paralysis of left side. I was in the hospital for three weeks for treatment and after discharged I took medicine and received physical therapy. However, I still could not move my left arm and my walking seemed unnatural. I had difficulty breathing when I climbed the stairs.
In August 2015, my wife and I visited my daughter who lived in South Korea. My son-in-law attended Manmin Central Church, and he and my daughter invited us to Manmin Summer Retreat. During the retreat, my wife was unexpectedly healed of pains she had had after surgery for breast myoma. As I witnessed her experience, I came to long for healing of my disease before God.
In January 2016, my wife and I came to Korea again. I heard the happy news that Senior Pastor Dr. Jaerock Lee would come to the church from his mountain prayer in order to meet and have time with church members. Before the meeting I prepared myself by attending Manmin Prayer Center's Divine Healing Meeting for a week and by praying earnestly to receive healing with faith.
The day had come. On February 7, I went to meet him and listened to his message. He said if we live in the Word of God written in the Bible we can live in peace and blessing, having nothing to do with poverty, diseases, and disasters. I received a lot of grace. And I received his prayer and shook hands with Dr. Lee. Right then my left arm and leg started to move!
I give all thanks and glory to God who healed me, and I give thanks to Senior Pastor Dr. Lee who prayed for me. Hallelujah!
Except for aging, no sign of cerebral infarction
"I Came to Hear from Both of My Ears!"
Deaconess Nakajima Chihoe, age 71, Iida Manmin Church, Japan
In November 2015, I had earache. And pus formed in my ears soon and my hearing ability became poor. The hospital said it was otitis media. I took medicine and received medical treatment that removed pus from my ears. However, I could not hear well. I could not understand the sermon during worship services. I felt distressed and sad.
I began looking back on myself thinking, 'Why is it that this is happening to me?' As I prayed offering up breakfast-fasting, I realized I had not kept peace with my daughter and my wrongdoings that I had done to my parents flashed into my mind. I repented and prayed earnestly and received the handkerchief prayer of Pastor Seungkil Ryu (Acts 19:11-12). After that I heard better and better.
On February 27, Rev. Heesun Lee, Manmin World Guidance Pastor paid a visit to my church to lead the 22nd Anniversary Service. I received her handkerchief prayer. At that moment I felt something coming out of my ears and I came to hear well from both of my ears. I feel like I am living in a new world. Hallelujah! I give thanks to the Lord who healed me.
"After I Registered in Church, I Was Healed of Chronic Tic Disorder"
Brother Patrick Leungheu with his wife, age 48, Hainaut Manmin Church, Belgium
I had a tic disorder since I was a baby. When it became worse, my shoulder would drop and I shook my head every few seconds.
When I was little, the symptoms got worse at times. As it became worse, I had to be bound to the bed for sleep. I tried many medical treatments and took medicine, but nothing worked. I just stopped taking medicine when I entered elementary school. From then, for over 40 years, I lived with this tic disorder. Because of it, I had no self-confidence and felt uneasy before others.
In February 2014, I was guided to Hainaut Manmin Church by a church member who preached the gospel on the street. I learned the Word of God and heard about many of God's works that healed so many kinds of diseases. As doing so, I was given faith that I would be able to be healed. I started to try to discover myself through the sermon and prayed in Daniel Prayer Meeting. I found out that I had held a grudge against my family and thoroughly repented.
On February 14 in 2016, Handkerchief Healing Meeting was held in the church and I attended with longing. When I received Pastor Christina Roh's handkerchief prayer, I began to sweat a lot and I became wet all over my body. Afterwards, I did not shake my head and shoulders. I was finally healed of chronic tic disorder that I had lived with for my entire life. Hallelujah!
Handkerchief of Power
The extraordinary works recorded in Acts 19:11-12 have happened all over the world, even today. When Manmin's pastors and church workers prayed with the handkerchief of power on people, their various kinds of diseases and infirmities were healed and became normal. And they even received answers to their prayer. Such works have proven the authenticity of the Bible, giving glory to God.
"As the Deer Pants for Water, I Was Panting for a Biblical Church "
Pastor Youngran Park, age 50, Parish 3, South Korea
I met God during my time in college. While praying one day, I was given vision for performing mission works. I went to the U.S. and finished the master's course of pastoral theology at the Graduate Theological Union in Berkeley and in 2008 I was ordained in a non-denominational church and performed my ministry for seven years.
San Francisco, where I was doing my ministry, is the birthplace of hippie culture, and the city's churches were facing troubles due to humanism and religious pluralism. The city even has an area for gays and lesbians. Spiritually, it is a fierce battlefield. I began to feel spiritual thirst over time.
'The Bible tells us about powerful works, signs, wonders, and the power of the Holy Spirit. Why do such signs, which, as the Bible says, 'follow those who believe', not follow countless pastors living in this modern world?' I thought. I felt like I was living in a spiritually dark age.
Meantime, by accident, I heard about Dr. Jaerock Lee's sermons. When I listened to his messages, I repented with tears and I felt spiritually refreshed as though I had scrubbed all dirt from my body. From December 2013, I listened to his message every day and repented. I felt excited to listen to the messages that clearly explained the passages that are hard to understand.
When I watched the video of Dr. Lee's India United Crusade 2002 that attracted more than three million people in total, I was astounded by the scene where the fiery works of the Holy Spirit were taking place.
In a sermon, Dr. Lee said that he spent more time on praying with tears than sleeping so that his flock might not fall into Hell. Listening to it, I asked myself how much I had loved my flock and thoroughly repented.
My love for God and souls became deeper and deeper, and the hope for New Jerusalem that had been so vague became more vivid and specific. I also realized that it should be the first task for pastors to achieve a sanctified heart and distance themselves from humanistic church programs. Only then can they receive the Holy Spirit's strength and preach Jesus Christ in biblical ways.
So, I was determined to achieve sanctification first before anything else, and in February 2015, my Sabbatical year, I came to Korea with my husband Missionary Daehyun Kyung. I witnessed and experienced amazing works of God's power and recovered spirituality through the Word and prayer. Now I am preparing myself to become a proper vessel in God's sight.
I give all thanks and glory to God who led me to this Manmin Central Church that is filled with the power of godliness and the power of the Holy Spirit. Hallelujah!
"Psoas Abscess Put Me in the Danger of Losing My Life, But I Was Healed"
Deacon Chungheon Han, age 37, Parish 1, South Korea
In January 2015, I had intermittent pain when I worked out. I went to hospital and had X-ray scans and an MRI scan. The results showed that I had inflammation in the disc and it caused problems in my muscles and bones.
Because I had been a Manmin member from my early childhood, I witnessed numerous healing works that were manifested by Senior Pastor Dr. Jaerock Lee. I also experienced the power when the fractured pieces of my right tarsal were poorly joined. I received his prayer and they were joined well. So, this time also I did not worry and thought it would become better.
But strange symptoms started to occur to me. From April I lost weight quickly and had serious sleep disorder. My face turned sallow and my backache got very serious. My belly started to become bigger and bigger and I had pain in my abdomen.
On November 25, 2015, I was diagnosed with psoas abscess of the upper loin muscle. My doctor said that in my abdomen was immeasurable amount of abscess. It caused the problem in my disc and the muscles around my backbone melted. He added that if I did not get rid of the abscess right away the abscess bag would burst and it would cause peritonitis. He also said that it was so much that it would threaten my life.
I felt more thankful than fearful, and started to look back on my Christian life. I started to have surgery to have abscess gotten rid of from my right abdomen. It was between 100cc and 500cc a day. I went through the process for eight days and around 1,800cc of abscess was removed. Three days later I had CT scan again and it showed that the abscess in my right psoas was almost gone but the abscess in right side was still there. The doctor told me to come two days later to remove the rest.
On November 29, through the Word of God, I realized that He wanted me to renew my believing life and felt His love. I repented with tears that my fervor had cooled down and I had a changing mind although I thought I was working faithfully as a full-time worker. And I received Manmin Prayer Center President Boknim Lee's prayer of handkerchief (Acts 19:11-12).
Next day, I went to the hospital to receive the surgery to get rid of the abscess in the left psoas but nothing came out.
My doctor said something seemed to go wrong and on December 3, I had X-ray and CT scans. Checking the result, he tilted his head and said, "Why isn't there an abscess?" I was healed of psoas abscess completely by the prayer of handkerchief. Afterwards, I recovered quickly and gained weight. Now I am very healthy. Hallelujah!
It is a true blessing that I can live my believing life in this precious church. I give all thanks and glory to God who waited for me to be renewed and healed me of all my diseases.
Before the prayer: 6-7cm-big abscess in both psoas
After the prayer: no abscess