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“What happened? You’re walking well. You must have bene healed!”
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"In My Family Are Overflowing Testimonies!"

Manmin News   No. 495
June 12, 2016

Deaconess Eunah Jang, age 54, Parish 23, Manmin Central Church

From left, her husband Deacon Minchan Kwon, Deaconess Eunah Jang, her mother Deaconess Hyangdo Ham, and her daughter Dahae and son Danyong

I was a supervising nurse in the surgical ward of a hospital. One day, Elder Dr. Gilbert Y. Chae gave me Manmn Central Church's weekly bulletin. After reading it, I was guided to the church. I had been Catholic for a long time but I could say that Senior Pastor Dr. Jaerock Lee's message in the bulletin was purely based on God's Word and it was not mixed with anything worldly. I read it all in a single sitting and felt as if I had eaten soft sponge cake.

In November 2002, I visited Manmin Central Church for the first time and immediately registered in the church. But I went to a nearby local sanctuary and attended only the Sunday Morning Service with my mother and children as I had done as a Catholic. Nevertheless, the God of love let me experience His power and led me to have faith.

Long ago, I underwent surgery to remove a congenital cyst on the left side of my neck. From that time on my left face was paralyzed and felt numb. However, after I became part of Manmin, the left side of my face did not feel numb and moreover, I could feel cosmetics being absorbed on the left side of my face. I had been healed of it without knowing. I was also healed of Meniere's disease through Senior Pastor's prayer for the sick during a worship service. I experienced such great works; and, each time I again made up my mind to live by the Word and pray. But I only thought that way without putting my resolutions into action in my daily life. My believing life kept going that way.

On December 25, 2010, Senior Pastor earnestly implored us to walk in Light at this end time. I was eventually determined. I began repenting of my Christian life that needed to be renewed and started to pray regularly. As I kept doing so, I came to see the love of God hidden behind seemingly life problems. I was able to humble myself, serve others, and give thanks in many things. Then, my heart's desire that I had kept for a long time was easily fulfilled.

It was my husband's turn. On May 2011, he accepted my mother's request to attend church with us. After he attended church, he stopped smoking and attended Daniel Prayer Meeting and other church meetings. He even wanted to worship in the central church so we could offer up Sunday Morning and Evening Services in the main sanctuary.

In August 2015, my mother attended Manmin Summer Retreat and she was set free from pain in her right shoulder joints and healed of inability to move her arms freely. I was healed of allergy to sunshine and my husband of pain in his left calf.

I felt so thankful to God who is full of grace that I decided to give out the fragrance of Christ all the more in my life in 2016. I have been a nurse for 26 years, and am now working for a university hospital. I tried to help my team members with more love and care as a leader of my outpatient clinic nurses' team.

In late March, I tried my best to offer up the offering with my heart for Men's and Women's Missions' Devotional Service. After that, I was blessed to be appointed as an adjunct professor and selected as an instructor for the supplementary class on nursing care for dementia held by National Health Insurance Corporation. Above all, my children started to pray so my family attended Daniel Prayer Meeting together.

Since I became a member of Manmin, I have been protected. And thanks to Senior Pastor's prayer and Muan Sweet Water, I don't need any medications. I used to be stubborn but I changed and tried to be gentle and considerate of others. My husband used to be quick-tempered, but now he is a gentle and comfortable head of my family. We respect and wait for one another. We are so happy to run with hope for Heaven together.

I give all thanks and glory to God who gives us true peace and happiness that one can never have with human efforts in this world full of accidents.




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Manmin News, Manmin, Manmin Church, Manmin Central Church, Jaerock Lee, Jaerock, drLee