One day in March 2024, I suddenly hurt my lower back on both sides, and since then I had not been able to walk properly. I went to an orthopedic clinic and was diagnosed with a herniated disc. ...
"My Heart Is Pounding with the Pride in the God of Manmin!"
Deaconess Mijeong Kim, age 44, Daejeon Manmin Church
I have waited for Manmin Summer Retreat 2016 with longing since last year. I really wanted to receive the answer to my prayer. I sprayed Muan Sweet Water in my mouth, in my eyes, and on my face daily in the morning and the evening. I professed my faith and offered up vowed prayer and fasting (Exodus 15:25).
Since my high school years I had such severe astigmatism that a single object looked like two or three. When I was tired, my eyes hurt really bad and it felt like they were coming out. It caused me to have a headache. Beginning in April 2016, I felt a pain in my throat that was getting worse. It was painful even when I did not swallow. I had pain in the right ear, and it caused pain when I pressed it. The medical test said that I had a sore throat and inflammation in my ear.
On August 8, I went to Manmin Summer Retreat with my mother Senior Deaconess Ohju Seo, age 75, who was suffering from weakness on her right side. During the Divine Healing Meeting, Senior Pastor Dr. Jaerock Lee prayed for the sick. When I received the prayer I smelled the fragrance of flowers. I thought someone was wearing perfume and looked around but nobody was.
Then, I realized that I would be healed that night. When I opened my eyes, my mother who had been sitting next to me, was not there. She went up on the stage to testify to her healing. Her legs and arms had been numb and ached due to right hemiplegia for four years, but she was healed during the prayer and went up on the stage to testify.
After she finished her testimony, I was bringing her down from the stage. Right then, things around me looked so clear as though it was a very sunny clear morning. I could not see well at night because things looked so blurred as if there was fog all around me. I did not feel any pain around my right ear. I tried to swallow and I found out I had no pain in my throat. Hallelujah!
My mother said, "I finally realized why this church was named Manmin. It means Manmin (all people of all nations) will come and receive salvation. I feel like I am in Heaven. Nowhere can I receive this great grace except for Manmin." She was so happy. I had no pain in my throat, ear, eyes, and head. I gained better eye sight. Everything looks clear including the blue sky, trees, and flowers. I am happy to see everything in clear vision every day.
I give all thanks and glory to the God of love who healed us and always wants to give us good things.