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“What happened? You’re walking well. You must have bene healed!”
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"By the Holy Spirit's Fire, I Was Healed of Chronic Asthmatic Bronchitis, and Uterine Myomas Were Gone!

Manmin News   No. 530
February 26, 2017

Deaconess Eunhee Kim, age 57, Parish 29, Manmin Central Church

I used to neglect praying using my workplace as an excuse. When I was told by my parish pastor to pray I did not. I am sorry for not obeying. However, I started taking breaks from work to help my daughter take care of her baby and started to attend Special Daniel Prayer Meeting from about two years ago. I started to feel the joy given through prayer.

In 2016, I had a special longing for Special Daniel Prayer Meeting that was held from October 10. At that time, I had coughed for two months due to chronic asthmatic bronchitis and even lost my voice. I wanted it to be healed by God. With such strong longing, I went all the way to the central church in Guro-dong Seoul from my house in Sanbon, Gyeonggi-do by several buses and subways. But it was not difficult for me. When I arrived, I drank Muan Sweet Water of power with faith and prayed.

Since I had measles in early childhood, I have had chronic asthmatic bronchitis. Once I started to cough, it did not stop for several months. It had been my biggest life problem. In the first 21 days, I could not praise and pray with my voice because of the coughing, so I felt sorry about it.

However, on October 31, when the second session of Special Daniel Prayer Meeting started, amazing work of the Holy Spirit happened to me. On that day, I was happy even when I left home for church. At the moment I stepped into the sanctuary, I received great grace. I started to shed tears and the grace of thorough repentance was given even during preliminary praise.

I repented that I had blamed others and become hot-tempered without living by the Word of God although the God of great love saved me and had been leading me to New Jerusalem. I prayed with tears and runny nose for a long time. I felt the fire of the Holy Spirit burning my whole body from head to toe. I felt like I got electric shocks.

Then, I stopped coughing and came to speak with my voice. I was so happy that I offered up my thanks with my voice every day and finished the second session of the Special Daniel Prayer Meeting. I have been healthy with no problem at all ever since.

On December 7, I found one more amazing thing had happened to me. I had had three uterine myomas since ten years before and they had grown from 1cm to 3cm. I was told that I should have surgery if they had become a little bigger. On December 7, I went to Samsung Seoul Hospital for a regular check for the myomas. My doctor tilted his head and said there were no myomas in the ultrasonography.

I was so surprised that I told him to re-check it but he said none. At the moment, I was reminded that I had received the fire of the Holy Spirit during Special Daniel Prayer Meeting and came to feel healthy and light in my body. They were all gone then.

I still have many shortcomings but God gave me amazing grace so that I can run with fullness. I give all thanks and glory to Him. I give thanks to Senior Pastor Dr. Jaerock Lee who prays for me all the time and to Mrs. Boknim Lee who leads Daniel Prayer Meeting full of the Spirit every night.




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Manmin News, Manmin, Manmin Church, Manmin Central Church, Jaerock Lee, Jaerock, drLee