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“What happened? You’re walking well. You must have bene healed!”
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One day in March 2024, I suddenly hurt my lower back on both sides, and since then I had not been able to walk properly. I went to an orthopedic clinic and was diagnosed with a herniated disc. ...

"My Family Was 'Re-created' by God's Power"

Manmin News   No. 534
March 26, 2017

Deacon Seongtae Park, age 60, Miryang Manmin Church

As I was the third only son in my Buddhist family, I grew up with selfishness. In 1987, after I got married, I gave a hard time to my wife and children because I burst into anger without listening to them. My wife was suffering from depression and many other diseases, serving my grandmother, my parents, and even me. She even thought about divorce.

In 1993 a great change came to my family through Dr. Jaerock Lee's sermon tapes which contained the message delivered in a Special Revival Meeting. When she received his prayer after the message, she received the fire of the Holy Spirit and was healed of many of her diseases. When I saw her going to the church with a happy face, I followed her. Dr. Lee's sermons taught me the true meaning of my life and deeply touched my heart.

My Parents Were Healed of Their Diseases

I waited for Sunday. My parents persecuted us at first but they were moved by my wife who fulfilled her duty well and served them with heart. Several years later, they registered in church as well. My father was healed of arthritis in his knees by Dr. Lee's prayer, and my mother's back, that had been bent and whose bones were misaligned because of a fall, were straightened by the power.

In summer, 2007, there were so many harmful insects. I thought I could not but use pesticides for harvest, but then big swarms of dragonflies appeared on my field. God sent them to only my rice paddy so I did not need to spray pesticides and I could also harvest more. Since then, I have done rice farming without pesticides for ten years. I am so grateful.

After I registered in church, I was given many God-given duties and tried to work faithfully. It was a shame, however, that I still got angry with my family when things did not go as I wanted. My two sons distanced themselves from me. Although God wanted me to become sanctified, I neglected it. I began to lay myself down completely before God. I prayed in Daniel Prayer Meeting and offered up special prayer after the meeting.

I repented that I had been so self-centered and tried to cast away arrogance and to consider others. As doing so, my hot-temper that had troubled me for a long time went away little by little. I listened to my children and helped my wife with house chores. I was sometimes surprised by myself. Then, my family felt warm and I was praised by others.

On January 16, 2017, my wife kept coughing and had a persistent high fever. Her X-ray and CT scans showed she had late-stage lung cancer. The doctor told her to consult doctors in a bigger hospital because there was a 5cm lump and it looked like a tumor. On January 18, she was diagnosed with late-stage lung cancer again in Busan University Hospital. And the doctor suggested having a biopsy. She attended Daniel Prayer Meeting by smart phone in her ward and repented of her shortcomings. She received Dr. Lee's prayer for the sick recorded on the Automated Response System.

On January 25, her biopsy showed she had just inflammation. On February 2, her re-test had the same result indicating inflammation with no tumor. On March 2, again, the test result was just the same. She and I were so grateful for the love of the shepherd who prayed for us.

While seeing her rely only on God worrying about nothing, my family felt more thankful for our belonging to the church where the power of God unfolds. I give all thanks and glory to God who renewed my family as a happy family.




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Manmin News, Manmin, Manmin Church, Manmin Central Church, Jaerock Lee, Jaerock, drLee