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"I Came to Have a Baby after Six Years of Marriage!"

Manmin News   No. 543
May 28, 2017

Deaconess Seonyoung Park, age 35, Masan Manmin Church

My husband and I got married in May 2011. We had a problem because no baby had been conceived. We went to an oriental medical clinic that was well-known nationwide and took the expensive medicine that the doctor prescribed, but it did not work. In the meantime, I heard that a married couple came to have a baby after they received Senior Pastor Dr. Jaerock Lee's prayer. In January, 2014, we also received Senior Pastor's prayer.

However, we had changing of mind when we still hadn't conceived afterwards. We turned back to the worldly methods again. In the infertility clinic, the doctor said Deacon Jinyoung Choi, my husband had no problem but my right fallopian tube was blocked. He said it was not impossible for me to have a child. But I could not conceive. My ovulation cycle was irregular, so I received drug treatment but it failed again.

I also underwent artificial insemination twice but it did not work at the first treatment. It succeeded in the second time but I had miscarriage soon. After I got over it, I finally realized that I had not shown faith when I myself was faced with difficulties although I had seen so many signs, wonders, and powerful works. I felt so sorry.

In March 2015, my husband and I offered up vowed-prayer for 42 days in the Special Daniel Prayer Meeting. We gave offerings, our time, and our hearts to God. I worked faithfully for the kingdom of God as a small group leader and an offering-collecting volunteer. I came to pray, "Answer my prayer at the best timing" while I had prayed to receive the answer quickly. As I tried to renew myself in reliance on God, I was not impatient any more.

In October 2015, I had a dream in which Senior Pastor prayed for me to deliver a healthy baby. I was pleased because I was assured of the answer to my prayer. When we came to Senior Pastor during Lunar New Year's Holiday in February 2016, my husband and I wrote 'blessing of conception' on our palms and shook hands with him. I also sold something I cherished to give offerings in Men's and Women's Devotional Service held in March. We offered up our hearts and devotion. A few days later, after we visited Senior Pastor, I went to the ob-gyn specialist and found out that a baby had been conceived though it was not in the time of ovulation.

My church members were so happy about it, and the church had a festive mood. My husband and I felt thankful with tears for the love of God. On November 28, 2016, after six years of marriage, our pretty daughter Haeun was born and she is growing up well.

I give all thanks and glory to God who answered our prayer and blessed us through the amazing power of the shepherd.




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Manmin News, Manmin, Manmin Church, Manmin Central Church, Jaerock Lee, Jaerock, drLee