"Healing, Answers, and Blessings! The God of Love Gives Only Good Things!"
 11315 |
July 23, 2017 |

Deaconess Nanhee Han, age 45, Yamagata Manmin Church, Japan
I suffered from an allergy for ten years, and it became worse over time. I shed sticky tears, and my eyes were itchy and painful. I had a rash around my eyes, and my eyelids were always swollen. When I put eye drops and took medicine, the symptoms were gone. But soon they reoccurred.
I began to attend Yamagata Manmin Church in August 2012. The symptoms improved and I stopped taking medicine. But when they re-occurred, I put eye drops in my eyes. So, I felt ashamed before God because I did not completely rely on Him.
In July, 2016, I made up my mind to be healed by faith and stopped using eye drops. When I ate ham, sausage, eggs, chicken, or shrimp, I had the allergy symptoms. When there was fine dust or a cloud of dust, my eyes became swollen and sore. But with a longing for healing by faith, I repented that I had not obeyed the Word of God and had a changing mind.
In August, I participated in Manmin Summer Retreat 2016. On the third day, during Camp Fire Praise & Worship, Senior Pastor prayed for the sick. Then, I was convinced that I had been healed and joy was overflowing in my heart.
The symptoms improved, and after I dipped myself in Muan Sweet Water pool on the following day I felt my eyes become clear (Exodus 15:25). Afterwards, I had no problem in my eyes anymore.
In May, 2017, I visited Manmin Central Church. I ate whatever was served without thinking of the allergy and I had no problem. It showed I had been completely healed. Moreover, my eyesight test result showed that my eyes vision improved from 1.0/1.0 to 1.5/1.5. Hallelujah!
God's grace and blessings have been overflowing even at home. I cultivate "La France" pears in my orchard. The stalk is so weak that big and good quality fruit would fall even in a breeze during harvest time.
In October 2016, I received Senior Pastor's prayer because a typhoon was forecast before harvest time, and our pears were perfectly protected. Only a few of them that were unmarketable fell, and our income increased. My father-in-law was amazed, saying, "I have cultivated fruit for 20 years but it's my first time to experience such a good harvest as this."
My husband Hirokazu Kaneko received surgery for myocardial infarction several years ago. He recovered quickly drinking Muan Sweet Water, and registered in the church. He stopped drinking alcohol and smoking. My father-in-law's blood sugar level dropped and his blood pressure also became stabilized after he went to the church for the first time.
Also, my cat had a car accident and could not move at all, but when we sprayed Muan Sweet Water on it and prayed with the handkerchief on which Senior Pastor had prayed (Acts 19:11-12), it was healed, came to jump up onto a three-drawer dresser in 8 days and became perfectly normal in 20 days.
My family is so happy thanks to healing, answers, and blessings given in the shepherd's space. I give all thanks and glory to God who gives only good things to us.