On September 3, 2024, I came across a minor collision on the way to work. When I got to the office and drank water, my hands were shaking and I could not keep my balance. I was sent to the emergency room and the examination results showed that I had an acute cerebral infarction, which was serious. The doctor advised me to go to a larger hospital. ...
Sister Nancy Velasquez, age 59, American Evangelical Christian Church
On August 31, I was guided to the prayer meeting held in Washington Manmin Church by Pastor Carlos. There, Rev. Heesun Lee prayed for me with the handkerchief on which Dr. Jaerock Lee had prayed (Acts 19:11-12). After the prayer, an amazing work happened to me.
I had not been able to move freely because of dizziness caused by ringing in the ears. I had also taken medicine for my heart disease. But when I was singing Manmin Praise, the dizziness was gone, and when I received the handkerchief prayer, I became hot and the ringing symptom was completely gone and I came to hear well. I was even convinced that I was healed of my heart disease.
Moreover, my mother Rachel, age 78, also attended the meeting with faith although she had been in hospital due to her heart disease. After she received the handkerchief prayer, her body got strengthened and she came to walk and run well. She can now climb up and down the stairs (photo below). Hallelujah!
The power of God contained in the handkerchief is really amazing. I give my heartfelt thanks to the Lord who led me to meet Manmin.