On September 3, 2024, I came across a minor collision on the way to work. When I got to the office and drank water, my hands were shaking and I could not keep my balance. I was sent to the emergency room and the examination results showed that I had an acute cerebral infarction, which was serious. The doctor advised me to go to a larger hospital. ...
Sister Jinju Lee, age 30, Parish 6, Manmin Central Church
I heard a shocking word from the hospital not long after I became filled with joy over my pregnancy. It was the fifth month. The fetus had obstructive uropathy, which brought about a problem with urinating. It caused his kidney to swell and his urinary bladder wall to be thickened. It finally led to hydronephrosis, which causes the water to come into his kidney.
Two weeks after I delivered my son, he underwent a surgery that opened the urinary tract. Six months later, he went through tests again. The doctor said that despite the surgery, the level of hydronephrosis was still high and the bladder wall was very thick, which made itself hard to contract and relax. He told me to give him medicine for six months but added it would not be completely healed in a short while. He even said my baby might have to take medicine during his entire life.
Since I was little, I have attended Manmin and listened to the holiness gospel, but I did not live in the truth and my faith was lukewarm. I thought this lukewarm faith of mine was the cause of my son's disease. My problem brought this trouble to him. I thoroughly repented.
I believed that the power of God the Creator would heal my son through Senior Pastor Dr. Jaerock Lee's prayer. With the belief, I did not give the medicine to him and instead offered up breakfast fasting during the six months. I listened to Senior Pastor's prayer for the sick and three-minute sermon recorded on Automatic Response System and Manmin Praise with my son. When Senior Pastor came to the central church from his mountain prayer, I went to him with my son and Senior Pastor prayed with love for my son with his hand on my son's head. While my longing became greater, the church had an event on May 15, 2017. I received Senior Pastor's prayer with faith and hope for my baby's complete healing. When I shook hands with him, he looked back again to see my baby and stroked his head.
Next day, it was a regular check-up day for my baby. Then, the doctor gave me the thumbs up and said, "Hydronephrosis was gone! The ureter that used to be 6mm long retracted to 2mm and became normal in thickness. The bladder wall also became thin." He added even his kidney function level had become normal. Hallelujah!
When I left hospital after hearing it, the love of God flooded into my heart. I also felt thankful for the love of Senior Pastor who prayed for me and my son. My son, now 2 years old, Isu is growing healthily.