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“What happened? You’re walking well. You must have bene healed!”
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"I became a blessed pastor through the holiness gospel!"

Manmin News   No. 572
December 24, 2017

Pastor Yao Lan Hsiang, age 56, Xin Zhan Manmin Church, Taiwan

When I was young, I worked for the Lord as a church leader and offered up a vowed prayer. I said in the prayer I would serve the Lord with all my life if He saved the life of my father who had been in coma after a car accident. In God's answer to my prayer, he came back to life.

Although I was 39 years old and had young children, I entered a theological seminary and studied Christian music for four years. Because I had liked music since I was young, I wanted to devote myself to the church as a pianist or a conductor of the choir. But not in accordance with my thinking, God guided me to become a pastor.

In 2005, I joined a mission training program held in Taiwan by a big Singaporean church with my church's young members. During the program, God urged me to arm myself with the Word of God. I also took the Bible courses offered by a big church. Afterwards, I delivered the Word not only in Singapore but also in Malaysia and China.

In 2008, I happened to meet Deaconess Esther Shim in Singapore. She introduced Manmin Central Church and Manmin Praise to me. I was so surprised at the fact that God Himself had given songs. With longing, I paid a visit to Manmin Central Church. Manmin Praise was truly so great, and it was praises that I had wanted to sing. I also visited the Muan Sweet Water Site where salty sea water from a well changed into sweet water by Dr. Jaerock Lee's prayer (Exodus 15:25). In the spiritual place, my spiritual eyes were open. I saw angels surrounding and watching me. I burst into tears of happiness.

After the spiritual experience, I became more ardent to know about Senior Pastor Dr. Jaerock Lee. I devoured his books The Message of the Cross, The Measure of Faith, and Heaven. Reading the books, I felt the great love of God and the value of the holiness gospel. I was spiritually born again through the messages.

I was blessed through The Message of the Cross that contains the providence of salvation through Jesus Christ. I learned about the meaning of the word of God to the serpent in Genesis 3:14 saying, "And dust you will eat all the days of your life". It spiritually means that those who are according to the flesh fall a prey to the enemy devil and suffer from trials and disasters that the devil brings on them. The clear explanation was astounding.

I felt so grateful for the holiness gospel that teaches me the spiritual meaning of the Bible, and I delivered it everywhere I went. In 2009, I attended Dr. Jaerock Lee's Israel United Crusade held in Jerusalem, Israel. In front of my eyes, the lame threw away canes and stood up from wheelchairs and walked. People recovered better eyesight and threw away eye glasses. A number of people were healed of many kinds of diseases by the Holy Spirit's fire and testified to their healing with joy.

The power of Senior Pastor's prayer was indeed amazing. In 2010, I participated in Manmin Summer Retreat held in Muju, Korea and became more convinced about the presence of God in the church. Afterwards, I opened a church under the guidance of God and registered as a Manmin's branch church in 2014.

My church joins every worship service of Manmin including Daniel Prayer Meeting via GCN, and through it my members have received many blessings. A woman who suffered from infertility for seven years came to have a baby, and a young man with paraplegia became normal. I was also healed of burns, farsightedness, and chest pain. I also came to have double eyelids through Muan Sweet Water.

Moreover, we used to offer up the service in my house but now we have a sanctuary because God had given my members financial blessings. I have been renewed by the word of life, and many healing works and blessings have overflowed in my church. I am a really blessed pastor. Hallelujah!

Xin Zhan Manmin Church in Taiwan




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Manmin News, Manmin, Manmin Church, Manmin Central Church, Jaerock Lee, Jaerock, drLee