One day in March 2024, I suddenly hurt my lower back on both sides, and since then I had not been able to walk properly. I went to an orthopedic clinic and was diagnosed with a herniated disc. ...
Sister Kristina Nikora, age 26, Moldova Manmin Church
Though I attended church I was still skeptical about everything because I had so many questions concerning faith. I had such questions as "What do the biblical works of God imply for us who are living in modern society? Why do we have to go to church on Sundays? Why is Jesus our only Savior?" I was not able to get answers anywhere.
So, I just habitually went to church. It was just part of my life. I was a member of a praise team in the church, but I sang on the team just because I like to sing. The only thing I really liked was meeting my friends in the church. I even went to the coffee shop and chatted with my praise team members during the sermon. I didn't properly keep the Lord's Day and did not give the tithe. I went to other churches wondering if there would be anything different. I looked up other famous pastors' sermons online and listened to them, but they were no different and I still wasn't able to find the answers to my questions.
In February 2015, I had a severe stomachache and went to hospital. It was ovarian cyst and I was told to have surgery to remove it. I talked about it to an acquaintance who attends Moldova Manmin Church. She sent a prayer request to Manmin Central Church in Korea for me. My surgery was planned for the following day and I had the surgery. A miracle happened after the surgery. My doctor had clearly told me that my ovarian function would not be fully recovered since the cyst was very big. But after the surgery, I recovered very quickly and the function was back to being perfectly normal. Hallelujah!
After this experience, I went to Moldova Manmin Church. On the first day I went to the church, I felt something new and special that I had never experienced before. In Daniel Prayer Meeting, I felt like fresh air passed through my heart. It was my first time to find it that exciting and happy to pray to God. Senior Pastor Dr. Jaerock Lee's messages gave me much grace. I could understand them clearly, and the many questions that had troubled me for so long were all resolved.
In June 2015, I registered as a member of Manmin. I started to change according to what I realized through Senior Pastor's messages. I came to understand why I should go to church and lead my believing life. My life goal became specific and I came to have hope for heaven. I started to keep the Lord's Day and give the tithe.
In early 2017, I was blessed to renew my heart all the more. I suffered from a high fever and it went up to 38 degrees Celsius (100.4 F). I shivered with fever. My face and throat were swollen, and my eyes were bloodshot. I had had an allergic reaction. I was reminded that diseases come from sin (Exodus 15:26) and prayed to find my sin and repented. I also received Senior Pastor's prayer for the sick and drank Muan Sweet Water (Exodus 15:25). Not long afterwards, all the symptoms were gone. Hallelujah!
I give all thanks and glory to God who has guided me to true rest. I also extend my thanks to Senior Pastor who renewed me with the word of life.