"The power in the handkerchief is amazing!"
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July 01, 2018 |
Deacon Moti Chand, age 39, Delhi Manmin Church, India
I had a dream. It was to bring the handkerchief on which Dr. Jaerock Lee prayed to my hometown, Gorakhpur in Uttar Pradesh and spread the holiness gospel and the power of God. When Delhi Manmin Church was opened in October 2012, Pastor John Kim gave this wonderful vision to me who registered as the first member of the church.
I felt sorry that there were many people who had not heard the gospel since my hometown is a farming area 1,000km far away from Delhi. I prepared myself by arming myself with the Word through Senior Pastor Dr. Jaerock Lee's messages.
In fact, there had always been great fear in life since I had lost my parents at an early age and didn't receive a proper education. Thankfully, however, my personality changed while I preached the gospel to pay back his grace for healing me of severe backache through his prayer. I came to feel no fear of people and I even became a person who leads others.
In May 2018, I visited my hometown for a relative's wedding. It was a golden opportunity to achieve my dream now that the wedding would last for a few days and many people would come. I paid a visit to the wedding guests' houses and my relatives' places and delivered the message about God the Creator, the reasons Jesus is our only Savior, and how to receive forgiveness of sins. I also talked about the authenticity of the Bible and said that even today amazing works written in the Bible can happen. And I showed the video presentation of powerful works of God and prayed for them with the handkerchief in the name of Jesus Christ. After the prayer, something astounding happened!
Seema was healed of left hemiplegia after the handkerchief prayer.
A woman named Seema, age 35, photo #1, could not walk and could do nothing for the past two years due to left hemiplegia. But after I prayed for her with the handkerchief while Senior Pastor's recorded prayer played, she raised her left arm up that she had not been able to move. Moreover, after she received the handkerchief prayer twice, she began to walk!
Ankush came to walk after the prayer.
Also, a man came to me. He said he had heard about miracles manifested through my prayer and asked me to pray for his son Ankush, age 3, photo #2. From his birth, he had made no sound nor could he walk. No medical treatment worked for him. But after I prayed for him with the handkerchief in the name of Jesus Christ, he started to move a little bit and he also started to make sounds from his mouth. Five days later he walked relying on the wall or things and later came to walk for himself. Additionally, many people were freed from pain not only in their chests, eyes, but even their whole body.
After people in my hometown saw such amazing works, they repented and accepted the Lord. Although there is no church yet, they gather every week to offer up Manmin's worship service through GCN in Hindi language. I give all thanks and glory to God who allowed me to testify to the Lord Jesus Christ by the grace of God and the shepherd's power.