"I was healed of many diseases and typhoid!"
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November 18, 2018 |
Brother Sunil Kumar, 27, Delhi Manmin Church, India
I was born in a Hindu family. As I grew up, I was always sick and could not do anything properly. I lived on many medications due to many kinds of diseases and I was once pushed to the very brink of death. I often had nightmares, so I could not sleep well. I even had a knife next to me, read Hindu scriptures or did shamanistic rites before I slept, but nothing worked for me.
One day in summer of 2013, I was in great pain. One of my friends in my firm named Subash came to me and talked about his church, Delhi Manmin Church. He said I could be healed if I went to the church. I finally visited the church, and it was my first visit to a church in my life. Pastor John Kim and the members served me with love, and I felt good. And I came to know that Jesus Christ is my only Savior through the sermon of Dr. Jaerock Lee.
After I accepted the Lord, I learned that I should keep the Lord's Day and give a tithe, and I obeyed. Afterwards, I was healed of all my diseases! I was no longer sick and did not have nightmares!
I was even blessed to get a pay raise, so I came to live with my family though we had lived separately for financial reasons. My family also started to live Christian lives. I felt so grateful for the grace of God who blessed such a hopeless person as me, so that I attended every worship service, prayed in Daniel Prayer Meeting, and did every hard work in church. I cleaned the sanctuary on Saturdays though no one told me to do so, and I volunteered diligently on Sundays.
Meantime, I experienced the grace of God once again. In March 2018, I lost my appetite, vomited, and had diarrhea. I had a fever over 40 degrees Celsius and serious headaches. I was diagnosed with typhoid which is contagious.
It improved after I received the handkerchief prayer from Pastor Kim, but I still suffered and took medicine for four days. But I felt worse and even lost so much strength that I could not stand up nor sit up. So, I started to listen to the sermon "Fruit in Keeping with Repentance."
While listening to the sermon, I realized why I had not been completely healed. Although I had seen so many signs and wonders, I had just the knowledge of them, not faith in them. I repented that I had relied on the worldly methods and then received Dr. Lee's prayer constantly with faith. The next morning something surprising happened. I had no headache and no fever! Moreover, after I sent my prayer request to Senior Pastor and he prayed for me during Friday All-night Service on March 30, I was completely healed!
This situation increased my faith and I became healthier than before. I give all thanks and glory to God and the Lord who give me good things all the time, and I extend my thanks to Senior Pastor who prayed for me.