“My whole family is happy as one with the love of the Lord”
5757 |
September 20, 2020 |
Deacon Minseok Seo (Age 48, 3 Great Grand Parish, 23 Parish)
I’m a Christian from birth. In 1997 I started to attend Manmin Central Church my eldest sister attended. In the summer retreat in 1997, I experienced the signs of God, and I was convinced that God is alive. When I was full of the Holy Spirit, I met my wife in the Lord and formed a family of faith.
In 2018, a slump came to me in spirit and body. I ceased praying and was often irritated, and even in my company my sales performance was poor. In 2019 New Year Day Service, however, I heard the sermon of ‘Spiritual warrior,’ which helped me gain the power to start again. I started praying again. I even prayed during a local business trip. God’s grace came upon me, and I got my fullness back.
When I worked, I relied on God and did my best so that I met good customers, and I was blessed to be able to live without financial difficulties by jumping from 2 or 3 contracts a week to 25~30.
In 2018, My wife found a tubercle in her left chest during a medical check-up, and she looked back herself and committed it to God with thanks. At the special divine healing meeting in February 2019, after receiving the prayer of the powerful handkerchief (Acts 19:11-12) from the acting senior pastor Soojin Lee, my wife was cured. Through the re-examination, the result was that the tubercle was disappeared. Also, in February of this year, after a traffic accident, her body was as heavy as a wet sponge and worn out. However, during prayer, she received the fire of the Holy Spirit, and she felt as light as a feather.
My elder son received a national scholarship this year and a full tuition scholarship for the second semester, and through the experience of feeling the love of the Lord he was able to perish his mind to see the fleshly world.
Also, my younger son who wants to work for the kingdom of God in the future keeps on praying every day, studies the Word on his own, and confesses that his Christian life is full of the Holy Spirit.
We are happy to meet the church of blessing where we can experience God’s love and power, and my whole family is united by the love of the Lord. I give all thanks and glory to the Father God.