“I want more people to meet and experience the Lord through the holiness gospel.”
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October 23, 2022 |
Ramlal Kashayp(Age 36, Basta Manmin church, Chhattisgarh, India, left)
I’m a farmer in Chhatisgarh, India, and I am sharing the gospel with the people around me and neighboring villages. On June 9, 2021, I came to know ‘GCNTV HINDI’ channel on YouTube in a group chat room run by Christians. Then, I participated in the Zoom worship service preached by Pastor John Kim online and received great grace. The sermon, which I had never heard before, explained the spiritual meaning of God’s Word easily and clearly. I also attended the Daniel Prayer meeting and heard the prayers of Mrs. Boknim Lee, Director of Manmin Prayer Center through Hindi interpretation, and learned what to pray for and how to pray. What I am most grateful for after meeting Manmin is the fact that I have been able to know God’s Word accurately and pray according to God’s Word. In addition, I used to suffer minor illnesses often such as fever and cold, but now I am healthy without any of these. My wife’s memory was not good, but it got better after receiving Senior Pastor’s prayer for the sick. Also, sharing the gospel has become easier for me. I used to exclaim and preach diligently saying, “Believe in the Lord. He is the Savior” but without knowing why only the Lord is our Savior. However, through the Senior Pastor Dr. Jaerock Lee’s sermon, ‘The Message of the Cross’, I was able to clearly understand why only the Lord is our Savior. And when I showed people the video of ‘Power of God’, in which countless souls from all over the world had been healed and had glorified God with testimonies through Senior Pastor’s prayer, their hearts were easily opened, making it easier for me to preach the gospel. Until then, there was no church in my village. I started building a church in the Basta area with the members I evangelized, but it took a long time due to financial difficulties. The members brought cement, toilets, pipes, etc., and whenever we had money, we bought bricks and proceeded with the construction. Then I came to know Manmin, and I decided to make it a branch church of Manmin so that more people would hear the gospel of holiness and be guided to heaven. In the midst of God’s delicate guidance, on June 17, 2022, we finally held the ‘Basta Manmin Church Construction Thanksgiving Service’ together with Pastor John Kim. Hallelujah! My dream is for more people to know the Word of God accurately, feel the happiness of living in the will of God, and live a life of faith in which they meet and experience the Lord.